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Sorry I've been slow with content lately. Very busy with work and battling some depression. However, I have a lot of stories I've been working on, and I'll be posting chapters from them as I can.

Here's one about a silly little boy who gets in over his head with a very aggressive usher...


Jesse knew it was silly for a teenage boy to watch a show meant for little girls, but for some reason he couldn’t help himself from becoming hopelessly addicted to watching the Sparkle Unicorn Princesses and their thrilling friendship adventures.

Watching the latest episode on his laptop, he tried his best not to think about what his classmates would do if they discovered his love for the girly cartoon. As the smallest boy in his class, Jesse was already bullied on a regular basis. He knew that if he wished to avoid any additional torment he had best keep his viewing habits a secret, not to mention his growing collection of unicorn figures.

As the episode ended, Jesse went to close his laptop, but an unexpected commercial suddenly started up. “The Sparkle Unicorn Princess Movie is coming to theaters!” It announced. Jesse already knew about the coming movie, but wouldn’t be caught dead watching it in an actual movie theater. He would have to wait for someone to pirate it and put it online. “Be one of the first 250 kids to see the movie in your local theater, and get a special collector’s edition Princess Fairymane figure!”

Jesse’s mouth dropped, as he saw the toy in question, a beautiful white unicorn with golden wings. Princess Fairymane was his absolute favorite character, and he knew he had to have that incredible figure for his collection. Almost immediately he began to check eBay, finding some scalpers who were letting people pre-order the figure. Unfortunately, they all wanted $200 or more!

The poor boy pouted as he considered the unfairness of the situation. He was definitely the biggest SUP fan in his town, yet he had no way of getting the figure. Even if he was willing to risk being seen buying a ticket for a girly unicorn movie, the rules clearly stated that only kids 14 and younger could get the toy. He knew it was silly to get upset over a little unicorn figure, but the sensitive boy still felt intense jealousy towards all the little kids who would be seeing the movie next week and getting an awesome toy they likely wouldn’t even appreciate. 

“Hey dummy!” Jesse’s little sister Kat announced, bursting into his room. Redfaced, Jesse quickly slammed his laptop shut, spinning around in his computer chair to find his little sister wearing a mocking smile. “Watching your stupid unicorn show, huh?”

“M-maybe!” He stammered. 

“You’re so lame” she giggled. “Other big brothers are worried about being caught watching porn, but mine is worried about being caught watching little girl cartoons.” Even though she was two years younger than Jesse, Kat was a good six inches taller than her scrawny big brother. She was also a gymnast, making her much stronger to boot. She was definitely a brat, and knew how to press her brother’s buttons.

“What do you want?” Jesse asked in a huff.

“Mom and I have been collecting stuff to donate to the Goodwill” Kat answered, taking a large garbage bag from the hall and dropping it onto his bedroom floor. “You’re going to take it over there for us.”

“Why me?”

“Because if you don’t,  I’ll tell everybody about your stupid unicorn collection” she told him, picking a pink unicorn from off his shelf and looking it over.

“Don’t touch that! You’ll break it!” Jesse whined, trying to take it from her. She just giggled, holding it over his head where he couldn’t reach.

“Aw, are you worried I might break your little toy?” She teased, squeezing it in her hand. Jesse looked on in horror as the wings began to bend.

“Stop it!” He squealed, almost ready to cry.

“Are you going to be a good boy and take this stuff to Goodwill?”

“Yes!” He exclaimed. Kat rolled her eyes at her brother’s little tantrum, putting the unicorn back on the shelf  before patting him on the head.

“Okay big brother, thanks for being so helpful!” She told him with a teasing smile, before turning and leaving the room with a mocking chuckle. Angry, Jesse slammed the door behind her, red-faced as he inspected the figure for damage but thankfully finding none.

He then took a look at the big plastic bag on the floor. Curious, he took a look inside, finding mostly old clothes and random knick-knacks. It seemed as though much of this stuff had been collecting dust for years, him pulling out some of Kat’s outfits that looked to be from grade school. He looked over a silly pink t-shirt with a rainbow decal on the front, holding the garment up against his chest. Realizing that his sister’s 6th grade attire would likely be a perfect fit for his slender frame, he felt truly pathetic.

But then he got an idea.


Next week came the premiere of the movie, and the line for the theater was busy with little kids excited to see their favorite cartoon characters on the big screen, as well as several bored parents who were not looking forward to watching a two hour toy commercial. 

Fortunately, none of them seemed to be paying much attention to one nervous little girl standing in the line, who had seemingly gotten all dressed up to see her favorite unicorn princesses on the big screen. She was wearing a pastel pink t-shirt with a picture of a unicorn and ‘Unicorn Power!” spelled out in glitter. Her long brown hair was pulled out into pigtails held in place with plastic rainbow hair scrunchies. And her little denim skirt helped show off her baby smooth legs, as this “girl” had definitely never developed anything more than a few small patches of body hair.

Jesse was quite embarrassed to realize how easy it had been to transform into a silly little preteen girl without anyone even noticing. Still, he was happy to know he would be able to get his figurine without being outed. After a long wait it was finally his turn at the counter, Jesse blushing as he used the girly voice he’d practiced to obtain a children’s ticket. Thankfully, his voice was already a bit high-pitched, and the distracted young man working the ticket counter barely paid attention as he handed Jesse his ticket.

“Oh ex-excuse me…” Jesse started nervously. “I heard there was a toy for people who see the movie today?”

“You get the toy after the movie” the man told him. “Just don’t lose your ticket.”

“After the movie…?” Jesse walked away from the ticket booth, gulping with nervousness. His plan had been to get the toy and quickly leave before anyone noticed. Now he’d have to sit through the entire two hour children’s movie, keeping up his little girl act the whole time. He sighed, hoping he could find a dark corner of the theater where he wouldn’t be noticed.

Not wanting to spend another minute out in public, Jesse quickly made a beeline for the theater. Spotting the correctly numbered auditorium he quickly moved towards the door, grabbing hold of the silver handle and beginning to pull it open.

“Hold it!” Said a voice, and Jesse jumped in fright as a hand grabbed his shoulder. Nervously he turned around to find a female usher standing over him. She was rebellious looking girl, college-aged, with dyed reddish-purple hair and round skull-decal earrings. “Sorry to scare you, sweetheart, but I think you’re going to the wrong theater. How old are you?”

“F-fourteen…” Jesse stammered. The usher giggled.

“C’mon, you don’t need to lie to me. You can’t be more than ten.” The usher looked around. “Is your mommy or daddy here?”

“N-no… my mommy is coming back for me later” he lied. 

“Well, this is this is the adult movie theater, ages 14 and up only” she told him. “But don’t worry I’ll get you to the right place. The kid’s theater is over this way.” Before he could protest the usher quickly grabbed Jesse’s hand, and beginning to pull him along. “What’s your name?” She asked, holding his hand tightly as they walked.

“J-Jesse…” he answered nervously, glad his real name could pass as a girl’s name.

“Nice to meet you Jessie. My name is Rebecca, but people just call me Becky.”

“N-nice to meet you…” he repeated, blushing. Soon they had made their way to the clearly marked “Kids’ Movieland”, the theater doors outlined by stenciled rainbows and cartoon characters. “Thanks!” Jesse blurted out, trying to break free from her grip and escape into the theater, away from this humiliating situation. However, Becky held his hand firmly.

“Oh I forgot to ask! Do you have your potty pass?” she asked.

“My what?”

“When your mommy bought you a ticket, you should have gotten a little yellow ticket like this one.” Becky pulled a laminated yellow card out of her back pocket, which was labeled “potty pass” in clear block letters.

“N-no… I didn’t get one.”

“Hm, that’s not good” Becky said with a sigh. “I’d love to break the rules but I’m in trouble with my boss already. I know you’re a little too old for one, but we’re going to need to get you into a diaper.”

“A diaper!?” Jesse exclaimed, blushing bright red. “I don’t need a diaper!”

“I’m sure you don’t, but those are the rules. All unaccompanied children who don’t have a potty pass have to wear a diaper in the theater” she explained, seeing the complete fear on Jesse’s face. “Don’t worry, you can still ask a staff member to bring you to the bathroom. This is just an extra precaution we take in case someone has an accident. C’mon, Miss Becky will get you fixed up in no time!”

Before Jesse knew what was happening, he was again being pulled along like a helpless child. Across the hall was a pink door marked “changing room” and he gulped as Becky quickly took him inside, locking the door behind them. Jesse blushed bright red as he saw the room’s vinyl changing table and it’s building-block print mattress, next to which was a shelf containing stacks of differently colored diapers. Before Jesse could react, Becky’s arms were under his armpits, the surprisingly strong girl effortlessly lifting him up and onto the table.

“Do you have a favorite color, Jessie?”

“I-I don’t know…” the panicked boy stammered. He no longer cared about the unicorn toy. His only priority now was to get off that changing table and escape back to his car. Unfortunately, Becky’s firm right hand was holding the waistband of his skirt, making escape impossible.

“I bet I know your favorite color” she said cheerily, pulling a thick pink princess-print diaper from the shelf. “How about a nice pink diaper to match your pretty shirt!”

“P-please, I really don’t need a diaper…” Jesse protested, trying to escape from her grasp. Unfortunately, the older girl was used to dealing with squirming brats, and responded by firmly pushing the boy down onto the mattress.

“Don’t worry, you can put your pretty panties back on after the movie, okay cutie?” In one swift motion she pushed up Jesse’s skirt and tugged down the unicorn-print panties underneath, immediately greeted by a tiny little soldier standing at half-mast. “Oh my…” she gasped, clearly shocked. Jesse buried his face in his hands, mortified. As if to confirm the reality of the situation, Becky tentatively poked Jesse’s diminutive nub with her finger, causing the boy to whimper pitifully as it stiffened. 

“You know, I’ve put diapers on lots of little girls but never one with a little boner in her pants” Becky announced, sounding annoyed. “Not to mention one old enough to have hair downstairs…”  Cruelly, she grabbed hold of one of the few wispy hairs and quickly yanked it out, the humiliated boy letting out a girlish cry. Becky then picked up Jesse’s little unicorn purse, rifling through and finding his high school ID card. The boy whimpered as she looked it over, confirming that he was indeed a grown high schooler disguised as a little girl. “So Jesse, I guess you’re some sort of pervert? Maybe I should call the cops.” She dug her cell phone out of a pocket and began dialing, Jesse’s eyes going wide with fright.

“N-no!” he protested. “I’m not a pervert, really! I really just wanted to see the Sparkle Unicorn Princess movie!”

“Then you could’ve bought a ticket to the normal showing” she pointed out, momentarily putting down her phone. Instead, you got all dressed up like a little tweenie. Do you like being around little kids, Jesse?”

“N-no! I just wanted the toy!” he admitted, embarrassed. Becky laughed.

“You got all dressed up like a little girl for a plastic toy?” Jesse blushed hard at her mockery. “Okay fine” she said, satisfied with his explanation. “But even if you aren’t a pervert, buying a children’s ticket for an adult is still against the theater’s rules. Do you know what happens to people who break our rules?”

“They have to leave?” Jesse hoped, still anxious to escape from this situation.

“Well yes” she said with a laugh. “But before they do, we take a nice picture of them and post it in the front lobby, so everybody can see who broke the rules. Now smile!”

“Wha-” before he could react Becky’s had her smartphone held out in one hand, quickly snapping numerous pictures of the ridiculous half-naked boy in his silly girly outfit. “St-stop!” he cried out, trying to cover his little stiffy with a hand as his face burned with humiliation. Becky laughed as she finished snapping the embarrassing pics, turning the phone around and showing Jesse how well she’d captured his shameful moment.

“Look at your little boner sticking out. I’m going to have to censor this one before we post it on the board” she joked.

“P-please don’t!” Jesse begged, his eyes filling with tears. “I’ll do anything!”

“Aww…” Becky felt a tiny twinge of sympathy for the wimpy little boy now sniffling atop the padded changing table. She moved forward and stroked his hair, his tears ceasing from the sudden show of kindness. “Tell you what, I’ll make you a deal.”

“Y-yeah?” Jesse said, his lip quivering.

“I’m willing to keep your little secret. I’ll let you into the theater so you can watch your unicorn movie and get a silly little toy afterwards.”

“Really?” His eyes lit up a bit.

“But!” She continued. “I don’t think a silly boy who dresses up in little girl clothes is mature enough to sit in the big kid’s theater. I think you’ll be much happier watching the movie in the playpen.”

“The playpen…?” Jessie didn’t know what she meant.

“You’ll see soon enough” she assured him, pushing Jesse back onto the changing table. “But first things first, I know a little girl who still needs her diaper.” Jesse blushed hard as she again picked up the thick crinkly pink diaper, unfolding it. “Legs up” she demanded, and too scared to refuse, Jesse lifted up his butt so she could slide the plastic garment beneath him. “Good girl” Becky told him teasingly as she grabbed the nearby bottle of baby powder, quickly dusting his bottom with the white powder and using her hands to rub it all around. She took extra care making sure the entirety of his tiny shaft was properly coated, Jesse whimpering softly as it stiffened in response to her touch. Unbeknownst to him, Becky took advantage of the pleasurable distraction to quickly take a large glycerine suppository from beneath the table and position it against the opening of Jesse’s butthole. Suddenly, in one fluid motion she pinched Jesse’s foreskin hard while sliding the suppository inside.

“Owie!” Jesse cried out, the sudden pain making him unaware of the intruder now stuffed into his bowels.

“Okay, all set!” Becky announced, taping the diaper up quickly without even acknowledging the boy’s pitiful squeal and his quickly dwindling erection. She gave him a friendly pat on his diaper front, Jesse whimpering as his still sore member felt her touch. “Now then, let’s get you to the playpen!”

(Continued soon!)


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