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More diaper machine fun. I may edit this one a bit later but wanted to get it up Asap. If you like it, please comment!


“Hello girls, I’m so glad you could come!” a very chipper Nurse Joy said, greeting her three guests: the Pokemon trainers Misty, May and Dawn.

“Thanks for inviting us” Dawn replied, smiling. “We were very intrigued to hear about your new Pokemon care service."

“Ah yes!” Nurse Joy said. “Well let’s waste no time, follow me!” She quickly led the trio behind the service desk and through into the new wing of the Pokemon center. 

The three girls looked around the huge room, part, which held a variety of stations apparently intended for prepping and grooming Pokemon. But mostly the room was dominated by a huge machine, a glimmering steel column which extended to the ceiling, then branched off into a metal rail system running all around the room..

“This machine is brand new, state-of-the-art” Nurse Joy said proudly. “It quickly processes any Pokemon who have been signed up for our special care program, making sure they are fully cleaned and groomed before entering our nursery. The process helps refresh them and get them energized for their next battle.”

“It’s a bit intimidating” said May, looking up at the large column. “How does it work?”

“Well…” Joy began, leading them over to the column and pressing on it with a hand. A portion of the metal column slid away, revealing a computer terminal. “First, you put the Pokemon on this pedestal" she said, pointing at the metal circle next to them. "Then enter it’s species into the machine.”

“Hey, why don’t we try it now?” Misty interjected. “I have a Smoochum which could use some grooming.”

“Okay!” Nurse Joy agreed, stepping up to the computer. She began trying to navigate through the touchscreen menus, but found it challenging. “Shoot, I can’t remember which buttons I'm supposed to press."

“It looks like the Pokemon are sorted by category” Dawn pointed out, all three girls leaning into the machine, not realizing they were now standing on the pedestal.

“Yeah, I think you have to select baby Pokemon first” May suggested.

“What are you all waiting for?” Misty asked impatiently, touching the button marked “baby.”


“See” Misty said triumphantly. “I’m really good at technology so-- eek!”

Without warning, a pair of metal arms emerged from the machine, pulling Misty into the air. “Help!” she cried as the arms sped away along the ceiling-mounted tracks.  

“Hold on Misty! We’ll turn off the machine-- eek!” yelled Dawn, as she and May were both grabbed by additional sets of arms and pulled into the air.

“I can’t turn it off!” Joy yelled, frantically touching the screen, not knowing that safety mechanisms made it impossible to stop the sequence once it had begun. Unfortunately, she too was grabbed by the machine and helplessly carried to the first section of their intake process.

“BATHING INITIATED” the machine announced as all four girls had their clothes stripped away, blushing furiously as they witnessed each other’s naked bodies. They had no time for shame however, as the arms quickly dragged them over to a huge basin of soapy water, and without warning, began repeatedly dunking the helpless girls in, ignoring their screams. Misty was used to some rough seas, but the other girls all coughed and sputtered, gasping for air each time they came up, only to immediately be thrust back into the pool.

“Make it stop!” May screamed, before her body was again shoved back into the water. 

Eventually the machine decided these Baby Pokemon were totally clean, new arms emerging from panels in the floor carrying course rough towels. These were meant for drying the tough hides of Pokemon, making them rather torturous for the soft skin of a human. The girls whimpered as the scratchy towels aggressively assaulted every inch of their body, crying out in discomfort as their breasts and vaginas were scrubbed raw. 

“GROOMING INITIATED” the machine bellowed.

Without any warning, new sets of arms grabbed them and dragged them over to the next station, dumping them into some surprisingly comfy salon chairs. That comfort was short lived as new restraints quickly wrapped around their every limb, the metal straps holding them firmly in place. The sound of snipping was heard as another set of arms slowly descended towards them, holding large pairs of scissors which opened and closed with a precise rhythm.

“No!” they all cried as the scissors suddenly leapt into action, struggling helplessly against their bonds as the mean machine quickly snipped away their pretty hair.

“My hair!” Dawn lamented, her eyes wet with tears as she looked at the gorgeous long locks that had fallen in her lap, knowing how long it had taken her to grow them. All of the girls looked up at the mirrors across from them, examining their new ridiculous boyish haircuts and whimpering at how stupid they looked.

“HEALTH CHECK” the machine announced and the salon chairs suddenly unfurled a set of wheels, the girls shrieking as they were sped over to a series of metal platforms and roughly ejected onto them. New straps appeared, locking each girl into a bent-over position. Without warning a thick greased thermometer was quickly stuffed up their backsides, each girl crying out at the sudden intrusion. They moaned helplessly as the thermometers were slowly rotated for maximum efficiency, gently pushing in and out.

“NUTRIENT DEFICIENCY” the machine decided, another set metal arms producing large jars of green mushy Pokefood. Their desperate moans were quickly ended as their mouths were soon filled with the horrid tasting paste, the machine aggressively spoonfeeding them at a pace that was much too fast for them to keep up, their faces becoming smeared with the green glop. The girls felt truly helpless as both their behinds and mouths were filled by the machine.

“Stop!” Misty finally yelled, ducking and dodging the attacks from the spoon. “I won’t eat this junk! Let me go!”

“DISCIPLINARY CORRECTION” the machine replied, a large hairbrush descending from the ceiling. 

“What is that-- ow!” Misty’s question was immediately answered as the backside of the brush began to blister her behind the shade of a bright berry. She kicked and squealed as the blows rained down on her sensitive bottom, the only girls watching in horror whilst still enduring their forced feeding and tempy check. "St-stop! It hurts!" Misty cried out, beginning to sob as the horrible mechanical spanking continued. After several more minutes of torment the machine finally seemed pleased, ceasing with the brush, babyfood and thermometer attacks.

The girls breathed a quick sigh of relief as spoons exited their mouths and the thick medical device was pulled from between their cheeks. However, no sooner had the device exited when a new one took it’s place. They again screamed as a fat enema nozzle worked its way inside them, this plug even thicker than the last. As a medical professional, Joy knew what was coming next.


Groans of agony came from the girls as they were quickly filled with a soapy laxative mixture designed to fully loosen anything inside of them. They whimpered loudly as their tummies swelled outward, the thick fluid already beginning to work its magic.


At this point the girls were too exhausted to resist their treatment, simply moaning pathetically as they were picked up by the wrists and whisked over to the final section. They were made to stand on dressing pedestals, held in an x-position as their ultimate humiliation was slowly lowered into view. Thick, bulky baby diapers with adorable Pokemon prints. Diapers they knew would soon be filled.

“I’m so sorry girls…” Joy said, the last words and of them would say as thick pacifier gags were shoved into their mouths, strapped tight around their heads.

They whimpered like the babies they were as probing mechanical hands coated their bottoms in noxious smelling diaper cream, making sure the thick paste got in every sensitive crevice. Then came a thick dusting of baby powder, the white cloud filling their noses with the scent of their coming babyhood. And finally, the diapers: crinkling plastic pillows that were slipped between their legs and pulled up tightly, the hands expertly taping them into place. To their ears, the sound of each tape sounded like a lock snapping into place, trapping them in this infantile prison.

After quickly giving each girl their own color-coded set of bonnet, baby booties and fingerless mittens, the girls were lifted into the air for the last time before being dropped into a giant playpen, walls far too high for them to climb out.

Too tired to stand, the girls found themselves on all fours, like actual babies not yet learned to walk. They tried to communicate, but the thick gags made it impossible, all that came out were meaningless grunts. However, they all knew what the other was thinking. 

“This is going to be so gross!”

May was the first to go, moaning loudly into her gag as she helplessly pushed a huge stinky load into the seat of her PokePampers, the other girls recoiling as the air filled with the smell of her disgusting mess. Dawn was next, a massive brown lump appearing in her diaper seat before moving outwards, the thick nasty mush spreading into every inch of her diapers. Misty tried to fight it but too lost control, grunting as a thick poo poo present emerged into it’s new home, the massive torrent of shit causing her diapers to droop and sag.

Finally it was Joy’s turn, and with all eyes on her the poor nurse groaned in agony, a truly massive turd stretching her asshole wide and dropping into the seat of her diapers. It was immediately followed by more hot smelly mush, the humiliated woman sobbing as her diapers expanded to their bursting point, finally leaving her sitting in what looked like a brown-yellow beanbag chair filled with hot girlshit.

Knowing they would be trapped in this stinky soggy prison for a long while, the four new poopy baby Pokemon all cuddled up together on a pile of pastel-colored pillows. Eventually they got used to their horrid combined smell, their minds returning to an age when having a stinky diaper was perfectly normal. Suckling softly on their paci-gags, the foursome fell asleep, all hoping that whoever found these pathetic infants wouldn’t tease them too badly.


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