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Another Patreon-request, and more conveyor belt fun. Hope you all enjoy this Nintendo-themed adventure!



“I don’t understand why we agreed to this” complained Princess Daisy, sighing as she walked with her fellow princesses towards a large brick factory.

“This is an important endorsement!” Princess Rosalina chided her. “Keeping a kingdom functioning takes money, and having our own toy line will be very lucrative!”

“I’m just excited to see the pretty dolls!” Princess Peach announced. 

Reaching the factory doors they pulled them open, finding a huge warehouse with a bustling operation underway. Everywhere they looked, toys of all types were being quickly assembled, packaged and shipped by a fleet of machines and robot assistants.

“Wow!” Peach remarked as they looked around. “So many toys!”

“Is anyone here not a machine?” Daisy wondered.

“Maybe the staff is away?” Rosalina pondered. “Though it does seem that this place runs itself…”

“Dollies!” Peach suddenly announced, pointing at a door marked “doll factory.” Before the other two could stop her, Peach had already gone running through the doors. Sighing, Daisy and Rosalina gave chase.

Beyond the doors they found another complicated machine, which was designed to put together their new princess doll line. Behind windows of safety glass, they watched as adorable dolls bearing their likenesses were lovingly assembled by the machine’s three conveyor belts.

“That’s me!” Peach announced, pointing to a machine as it applied makeup to a Princess Peach doll. “I’m so cute!”

“Wow, they do look really cute…” Rosalina agreed.

“What the heck!?” Peach and Rosalina turned to see a red-faced Daisy, angrily pointing at another portion of the machine. “Look at this!” Daisy yelled. They came over to see what the fuss was about, and both gasped. Towards the end of the line, their dolls were all being dressed in bulky baby diapers and toddler clothing. They watched as the dolls were lifted into large boxes marked with a “My Baby Princess” logo and the cheerful marketing message “Wets and Messes like a Real Baby!” They were then quickly dropped onto a cart already loaded up with dozens of similar dolls. “I never agreed to this!” Daisy yelled.

“You’re right…” Rosalina agreed, blushing as she watched a tiny version of herself being dressed in toddler attire. “We have an important image to uphold as princesses, we can’t have dolls that depict us as babies. We’ll have to talk to the company and sort this out.”

“But they’re so cute…” Peach whined. Suddenly, a robot assistant entered the room, grabbing a cart full of boxed dolls and beginning to wheel it away. Daisy noticed the robot was marked with a “shipping department” decal and grew frantic

“They’re already sending them to the toy stores!” Daisy exclaimed in horror. “We have to stop this, or we’ll be humiliated!” She quickly rushed through another door into the machine room, Rosalina and Peach following right behind.

“Daisy, be careful!” Rosalina warned her, as the angry princess searched for a shutdown button.

“The blank dolls come through here!” She yelled, climbing onto the machine while pointing towards a hatch through which new dolls continued to emerge.“We just need to close this hatch!” Reluctantly, the other two girls joined her atop the machine, all of them grabbing hold of a large metal lever which would close the hatch. 

“Ok, everyone pull!” Rosalina announced, and the three tried their best to make the lever budge. However, they only succeeded in losing their balance, the trio shrieking as they tumbled onto the still moving belt. Instantly the machine recognized that some intrusion threatened to jam up the system, and a multitude of metal arms immediately grabbed the girls as a floating scanner inspected them.

“Identified: Baby Daisy, Baby Rosalina and Baby Peach” the scanner announced, and each of the screaming girls were quickly dragged to the proper section of the conveyor belt and unceremoniously dumped there. Before they even had time to find their bearings, already the machine arms began to strip them of their gorgeous princess gowns, leaving them completely naked as they continued through the machine.

“Make it stop!” Daisy yelled to the other girls.

“I don’t know how!” Rosalina answered pitifully.

Next came the hair and makeup portion of the doll assembly, but the machine was confused as to why the dolls already appeared to have hair and makeup. Unable to process the error properly, the machine came up with a simple solution, each girl screaming as a rough wet cloth vigorously cleaned their faces, aggressively scrubbing their every feature, even pushing it inside their mouths for a quick rinse.

They then heard a mysterious buzzing noise, and cried out as they saw the industrial hair clippers descending towards them. The clippers were soon buzzing roughly against their scalps, their precious locks of beautiful hair being quickly cut away. Rosalina took this part especially hard, crying softly as the aggressive arms worked to swiftly remove her gorgeous blond hair, a quick shave leaving her with a perfectly bald head.

Thankfully she’d soon have new hair, though perhaps not exactly what she would have wanted. The arms again grabbed each of the squirming naked girls and pulled them over to a industrial salon chair. They each whimpered and squirmed as wigs of cheap plastic hair were glued to their scalps, the industrial solvent ensuring that they would not be coming off anytime soon.

Then came the makeup, dark-staining dyes which would seep into their pores, making it impossible to remove without special chemicals. The ditzy Peach was briefly excited at the prospect of a makeover, but she soon changed her mind as the machine roughly grabbed her by the back of the neck and held it tight. She whimpered as the various brushes poked and prodded her sensitive face, and felt truly violated as a horrid-tasting plastic lipstick was aggressively slathered onto her lips.

“I don’t like this!” she yelled, the last words any of them would get to speak, as a set of comically oversized pacifiers were jammed into their mouths. The stiff glue coating the large rubber nipples quickly set, the girls unable to spit out their gags no matter how they tried.

Soon they were whoosed back into the air and dropped into another station. As the box stated, the baby princess dolls wet and messed themselves like real babies, and it was time to fill the dollies up so they’d be ready to fulfill their function once the excited child unwrapped her new toy. 

All three girls watched in horror as the machine produced what appeared like massive enema bags, all of them screaming into their gags as the machine arms forced them to bend over a series of benches. Unfortunately, there was no escape as the large greased-up nozzles soon dove into their waiting pink rosebuds, immediately beginning to fill the dollies with sudsy, soapy water. The girls struggled as best they could, whimpering and crying as their tummies grew swollen with the fluid, almost immediately giving them horrible cramps.

At least they wouldn’t have to wait long to expel the awful mixture, as the second the tube was removed from their back passage an impossibly thick baby diaper was quickly wrapped around their waists. Daisy seemed particularly horrified by this, imagining herself forced to soil her diaper like a little baby. She screamed into her gag until she was red in the face, but the machine had no interest in giving her cries any attention.

The girls were then dragged back onto the conveyor belt, forced to lie down as a series of buckles strapped them down. An industrial press lowered onto each girl, forming the plastic toddler clothing that wrapped around their bodies. The super-tough polymer had no straps or zippers, and could not be removed from the doll without some sort of industrial cutting implement. Soon they were trapped in these stiff plastic baby dresses, which were much too short to cover their ridiculous padded diapers. All three of them realized there was truly no way for them to escape this situation without assistance, and their eyes filled again with tears as they considered the impending humiliation of being discovered in this state.

Of course, their humiliation was not yet complete, as each dolly now needed to be properly confined within her box. The girls were thrust onto sheets of thick cardboard, the busy mechanical arms wrapping oversized twist-ties around their wrists, ankles and waist. Once they were properly secured the cardboard backing was lifted into the air and neatly fitted into the waiting Baby Princess boxes, each of the girls now trapped in a ridiculous cardboard prison, looking out longingly at the world outside through the plastic front panel.

As if on cue, the enema solution in their stomachs began to churn, the girls moaning into their pacifiers as severe cramps set in. Peach was the first to lose control, red-faced as she pushed a thick sticky mess into the back of her pink plastic Pampers. Then came Rosalina, whose Huggies were soon hot and heavy with a sizable poo poo load. Daisy held out the longest, desperate to not poop her pants like a little girl, but eventually she too lost control, sobbing as she pushed a stinky brown present into the seat of her diapers, the oversized movement filling her baby pants and even pushing up towards her sensitive crotch.

The three girls cried helplessly as their boxes now filled with the scent of their own waste, too dizzy from the horrible smell to even notice as their boxes were grabbed by the shipping robot and quickly wheeled onto a truck. In the darkness of the truck’s trailer all that could be heard were their pathetic moaning and sobbing, as well as the occasional wet fart indicating their diapers would be completely ruined by the time they reached the toy store several kingdoms away. 

“Endorsements suck” they all thought in unison, as the truck’s engine revved up and began the princesses’ long and bumpy ride.
