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A Pokemon adventure written for a "monthly story" patron. Contains unbirthing. Enjoy!


“Mom! This is ridiculous!” Lillie protested as her mother dragged her towards the large happy-looking building covered in rainbows and other cute motifs. A sign on the front proudly declared “The Sunshine Daycare Facility.”

“You’ve been so cranky lately” her mother Lusamine informed her, a bit annoyed by her daughter’s struggles. “I think you’ll be much happier with lots of little friends to play with and some caretakers to look over you.”

“But this is a daycare for babies! I’m 18-years-old now, I’m far too old for this place!”

“Nonsense. I’m sure you’ll fit right in!” Lusamine eagerly dragged her daughter inside the facility, only to find the reception desk empty. “Hello?” she called out, but there was no answer.

“Mom, this place looks abandoned” Lillie whined. “Let’s just leave, I promise I’ll be better behaved!”

“Hush now” her mother replied, already dragging her daughter into the main nursery wing. It too was empty, toys sitting quietly on the padded nursery floor, playpens and high chairs all unoccupied. “Hm, maybe they just took all the babies on a field trip for the day?” Lusamine wondered. “But surely someone must be here… aha!”

“What…!?” Lillie yelped as she was yanked off her feet, her energetic mother pulling her towards a pair of double doors marked “new arrivals.” Through the doors they did not find the helpful staff her mother had expected, but rather a strange machine featuring a long conveyor belt.

“Ugh…” Lusamine groaned. “For a supposedly first rate facility, this place is sorely lacking in professionalism.” Looking around she spotted what looked like a video phone, approaching the console and tapping on the screen. “Maybe I can call someone--”

“USER: GIVE COMMAND” came an electronic voice from the terminal. 

“I’m looking for a staff member?” Lusamine answered hesitantly. 


“Mom… I don’t think you’re supposed to use that machine without permission” Lillie warned her. Lusamine ignored her, continuing to speak with the machine.

“Look, my name is Lusamine. I paid a deposit over the phone?I just came here to deliver my daughter and leave.” 


“I’m Lusamine!” The impatient woman announced, now please, will you-- ah!” Lusamine cried out as a pair of mechanical arms swiftly grabbed her by the ankles, and lifted her in the air. Lillie gasped in horror as her mother was dropped onto the belt. “H-help!” the woman cried out.

“I don’t know how to stop it!” Lillie yelled back, the machine’s touchscreen now unresponsive.

“PREPARING TARGET FOR DELIVERY” the droning voice announced, Lusamine shrieking as the fiendish metal arms began to quickly strip away her clothing. A door opened and the belt quickly tipped down, Lusamine tumbling into a large wash basin full of soapy water. “St-stop!” she yelled out.

“FUNCTION: OUTER CLEANSE” said the voice as the evil arms roughly grabbed her and began to dunk the horrified woman in and out of the water, an onslaught of rough-bristled brushes scrubbing every part of her body. One particularly aggressive brush took charge of cleaning her vagina, Lusamine moaning loudly as it rubbed against her sensative mound. Lillie gasped as she watched her mother’s humiliating treatment from behind a plastic panel, her face turning red.

After what seemed like an eternity the brushes stopped their attack, water draining from the basin before Lusamine was again yanked back onto the belt. Several metal tubes popped out, blasting her with hot air as she shrieked.

“FUNCTION: INNER CLEANSE” the machine announced as the disoriented woman was rolled into the next section of the machine.

“Inner cleanse, what does that-- no, no, no!” Lusamine cried out as a massive bulging enema bag appeared, a fat buttplug dangling from the tube attached to the bag. A set of magnetic restraints quickly coiled around her arms as a set of arms pulled her legs up and out of the way. Meanwhile, Lillie seemed to have gotten over the initial shock of seeing the machine’s horrid actions, and was actually excited to see what torment her awful mother would be subject to next.

Without warning the thick invasive buttplug was firmly pressed into Lusamine’s back passage, the poor woman crying out as she was penetrated. The bag automatically began to release its contents: a specially formulated cleansing mixture designed to churn about the colon and truly return it to a pristine state. Strapped to the belt, Lusamine whined and groaned as the mixture filled her belly, tears in her eyes as the horrible cramps began. “Stop! I can’t take any more!” she pleaded, but the machine knew exactly how much she could take, the torrent of soapy cleanser pumping deep into her bowels. 


Without warning, Lusamine was yanked into the air, the horrible plug pulled from her bottom. Beneath her, a pink children’s potty appeared on the belt, adorned with pictures of smiling Pokemon. Forcefully the arms lowered her onto the seat, one holding her firmly in place as another began to rub her tummy in slow circles. Helplessly, Lusamine began to fill the potty with an unending stream of brown-tinted liquid, breaking down and sobbing at the humiliation of it all. For some reason, watching her mother broken and humiliated made Lillie feel almost aroused, and she felt her panties growing wet as the woman’s pitiful cries filled the room.

After the last blast of dirty water was finally out of her bottom another helpful hand unspooled some soft pink toilet paper and aggressively wiped Lusamine’s brown-stained asshole back to a vibrant pink. The belt again started up and the defeated Lusamine no longer felt capable of putting up any resistance, just hoping her torment would soon be over.

“FUNCTION: REGRESS.” The next chamber was strange, Lusamine now trapped in an transparent plastic box. Suddenly the box began to fill with a strange pink gas. Lusamine whimpered as her body reacted to the unknown toxin, her entire body growing hot. From outside the box, Lillie watched with shock as her mother’s body slowly began to shrink: her limbs shortening, her breasts disappearing, all of her features becoming more and more childlike. As the gas dissipated, all that was left inside the box was a crying infant. 

“IDENTIFY MOTHER” the machine boomed. Lillie watched her regressed parent fussing inside the box, and realized she needed to answer the question to get her out.

“I’m the mother!” she volunteered, expecting the infant would be delivered into her care. Unfortunately, she was in for a surprise, as a pair of arms grabbed her under the armpits and pulled her into next part of the machine. “H-hey! Let me go!” she exclaimed, despite knowing this crazy contraption had no intention of stopping. She too found herself inside a box, terrified at the prospect of also regressing back into babyhood. However, her box soon filled with a blue gas, the girl coughing as it coated her body inside and out. Looking down she watched her breasts growing full and large, and realized they were becoming engorged with milk. Her limbs extended, making the box feel even more cramped than before. Almost instantly, she had grown into a full adult woman, with curves that would make a supermodel jealous.

“FUNCTION: UNBIRTH” announced the machine, rolling Lillie into the final section of the machine. She found herself laying atop a hospital mattress, her legs lifted and fitted into stirrups as her arms were restrained to the bed’s sides. Before she could react an assortment of strange devices began to descend on her vagina. First a numbing salve was rubbed all over her mound, then a dilation device came to hold her vagina lips open, slowly widening the hole while applying calming anesthetics. Seeing her infant mother being carried into this final compartment, Lillie began to shriek in horror, realizing what “unbirth” entailed. In response, a large pacifier gag was shoved into her mouth, the machine apparently preferring to work in silence.

Thankfully, the advanced machine made the process as painless as possible, and Lillie’s womb soon bulged thanks to its new occupant. It’s task completed, the machine played a happy chime, releasing it’s captive, who now wore a perfectly-fit maternity dress. Lillie looked down at her stomach, still coming to terms with exactly what had happened. However, her natural maternal instincts soon kicked in, and she felt herself actually excited to be pregnant. Yes, it would be odd to carry her own mother around for the next nine months, but she looked forward to raising this new “daughter” to be less of a jerk this time around, and already her mind was filled with thoughts of breastfeeding her little one and changing lots and lots of diapers.

“Can I help you?” a voice intruded into her fantasy. She turned to find a happy daycare staff member entering the door, a procession of excited toddlers running into the nursery. “Are you here to pick somebody up?”

“Oh! Not exactly…” said Lillie.

“I see you’re expecting” the woman said happily, pointing to Lillie’s tummy. “Maybe once she’s popped out you’ll think about enrolling her here.”

“That’s not a bad idea!” Lillie agreed. It was then she felt a kick, as if the little baby inside her disagreed with the idea. She simply laughed it off as she exited the facility, looking forward to a life of blissful motherhood. 


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