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It's time!
You guys have given your suggestions, now choose your favorite(s)!

Multi-Voting is ON

There will be 3 Winners, 1st place gets to be made after Rosaria is done for a while, 2nd gets made after and so on...

A few options couldn't make it into the poll, only 25 options max are allowed ;v;


POLL ENDED! The winners are:

-Raiden 2.0
-Shortstack Nahida
(I'll talk about this one eventually)
-Kuki Shinobu

Thank you all for voting~
Next wave of suggestions will be made at the middle of May!



I am obligated to vote for Eula 2.0


Im interested on how will you do venti 2.0. Maybe a nsfw version?


I just realized something. Would the 2.0 characters you end up making be done quicker since you already have the majority of it done?


Need me those bottom heavy lol- i mean shortstacks. BH Nahida please <3


It's more likely I'll work on them "from scratch", making it easier to work on variants and having the Blend file with proper toggles


BH Kuki sounds like it was bound to happen, hoping her and Eula 2.0. Eula 1.0 is nice but it has been a while…she needs that refinement to show off her “assets” so to speak.


Eula/Rosaria/Raiden(or Kuki)/Flex and you’d have yourself a physical bottom heavy team. That’s what I’m hoping at least lol.


I honestly wouldn't mind shortstack Paimon.


Raiden 2.0 cuz i gotta support my main waifu. I know we shouldnt lewd Nahida but...butt..please do. XD


Had to vote for her too. We gotta see Hazeker's shortstack magic at work. And if their adorbs OC is anything to go by, we have quite something to look forward to~


whats the shortstack models?

Xanxus D.

I think working on new characters could be a good thing. Keeps things fresh, Dori short stack is def on my wish list. But either way can’t wait to see new variants of other characters


I have a mighty need for ST Paimon/Nahida/Dori.


I legit want nahida to win cause i saw her poll at 30 n seeing now at 74 is the funniestnthing ive seen in a minute. Legit Pingu stared at it

Echo Tracker

I'm surprised the original horny hasn't done been yet. We'll get Lisa eventually

Soapies the Clown

Had my fingers crossed for Venti 2.0, but it looks like the world isn't quite ready for the return of femboy yet. Next time, Hezaker! Next time!

Dominic Pernicone

Ah well, Keqing my beloved, one day people will vote for you...


Hope Shinobu gets a thong like a lot of people often include in mods for her

Isabella Electrum (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-01 10:06:16 Star rail mods when~? <33333333333
2023-05-01 00:58:24 Star rail mods when~? <33333333333

Star rail mods when~? <33333333333


Star rail is already moddable but Characters are not moddable yet, once the mod tool devs make them work, I'm 100% giving it a shot