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Sorry I've been inactive but here we are.

There's still a lot to be done so the mod might be ready on thursday or earlier.

Once it's ready, same stuff with these, it'll be uploaded on Gumroad with both SFW and NSFW variants with the blends ready on "day 1" and discounts will be given to everyone active here so there's no need to spend money again.

I'll try my best to get this done as quick as possible so that I can get back on the usual, I have some "change of plans" to announce soon.




for the Gumroad post yes, I'm not going to put links/files of this mod on patreon when it comes out


Oh so it's an extra charge than to get any of the files than? Well at least apart from any pledges you mean?


Technically yes, you would have to pay extra for them, but since I don't want patrons to give more money like that, I'll give them discounts according to their tier (The mod on gumroad costs the same, $8 SFW $15 NSFW...)


So essentially it's the micro transaction of the files than? Instead of getting access to all file via here well have to pay for em individually? And I assume this is the new news? If I'm reading this correctly I mean


YES! I've been waiting for this one


? No, I meant that the whole mod in general will only be available on gumroad, that's why I explained the discount thing


No no I got that part, sorry didn't say ir directly, but is that gonna go forward with all new mods/blends? That the pledge here is both a support and discount charge? Gumroad will be the only direct way to get any of the files correct?


Is there a specific reason its going on Gumroad instead of posted here? Not to cause static. Just wanted to know if this will be the way forward for future mods.


Oh hell yeah Hazeker, you da goat!


It’s just for the short stack mods cuz they go against Patreon t&c




Me over here wondering if the change of plans is that he got addicted to WuWa like me and thicc(er) mommy Yinlin is around the corner. haha.

Vagoo Art

Hope Gumroad dont give you problems with that new policy they said before


Hell yes, absolute GOAT. Quick question, is there going to be a way to remove her little hair knot and hat? I know alot of people arent too fond of it.


As long as the previews in the page don't show any nudity it should be fine, they're ok with suggestive stuff


The posts on Gumroad will have the ANIM versions, right?


Personally I prefer her keep the hat, I would've attempted to make the hat toggable if I were able to make the multitoggle system with this model... sadly I can't