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March Project Poll 

Go there.


Feel good about the democratic process. 

Sit tight.

I'm uploading a sketch in a few hours that I've been working on preempting what I KNOW will be part of the incentives this month. It's not "technically" a distraction from work but it did delay the rest of the Sigalda page. Sometimes inspiration strikes hard and you have to follow it. Realistically the rest of the Sigalda page is going up Friday. Tomorrow (Thursday) I need to run a lot of errands. I'm all out of food and I need to look for a scanner since the one I have now is ancient and it's not going to pass muster. Thanks for understanding and again, sit tight. I'm taking this shit seriously. Ya'll are in for some tasty treats!




bimbo bomb, voted


voted for damn near everything on that list lol. But powergirl and coxville stories are my main.


i want ALL and voted for ALL lol but yes bimbo bomb girls yes please yes lol


What would the Coxville stuff be? Hunt, or something else? Hmmn


What happened to Hot Meal?


Wow. Over 1,000 votes and the top 4 are all within 1% spread. Very close, which shows how much people demand it all. :D