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Was hit with the urge out of nowhere to search far and wide for the necessary parts to put together a decent model of the lovely elastic version of Susan Storm, and I ended up finding *exactly* what I needed. Only issue is...
...I have absolutely no idea what to do with her, lmao. Would love to hear any suggestions of what ya'll might like to see with her! No idea's a bad idea, I'm open to any kind of stretches or scenarios ya'll can think of. ^^ 

Make sure to put any ideas you'd like to see in the comments. Like I said, I'm open to anything that sounds fun to do!




A classic!!!


Lovely! And if you're taking suggestions you should recreate those classic panels of where she's stretching around and stuff. I think it'd be a great challenge for you!

Charles Xavier

I think that sounds great, and another idea I have in mind is maybe do recreations of the Ultra Woman pictures by either FooShoo56 or Nikoalecsovich. They both did some pretty great pics with her.


Outstanding! Also, I was thinking that if it's possible for Ultra Woman doing a stretchy twist?