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"The monthly W.I.P. updates will contain spoilers for the upcoming Camp Mourning Wood game. View at your own risk."

1. Penelope Favors

And once again, Penelope's favors are getting updated. I'm pretty sure you can figure out which this favor is going to be~....

2. More monster girls!

We're working on this one, but it will probably not make it into the next update. Most likely the update after that though. I want to expand the use of the camera more and introduce a new way of finding monster girls around camp.

I wonder... do you guys prefer a little bit more 'monster' in your monster girls? Right now we're mostly player around with human girls with some cat ears, but how would you feel about a little bit more fur / monster features? Just curious.

3. Side quest time

We're slowly populating the game world with more side quests to do. And who doesn't love seeing some lesbian girls go down on each other? This one will definitely make it into the next update!

4. And finally... bikini time!

I'm experimenting with giving the Camp Counselor tier (and up) an additional reward for their support. After the last poll I noticed quite a few people being interested in new outfits, so here we go. First one will be Amber, hope you like it!

Let's wrap it up here. Thank you all once again for your support. We're got a fun update in the works, so keep an eye out for that in the coming weeks. For now take care and I will see you again soon.




James Martin

I wouldn't mind more fur for the monster girls either


https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/855/796/94f.jpg 5/8 for me is good, let one go to 6 for the furries, and don't touch 7 or 8