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And we're back already! You have no idea how excited I am to release this update. Please stick around and read through the post cause there's much to share!

>>First of all, you can find the new update here.
>>You can find your Patreon exclusive rewards here.


First of, the game is being released a few days earlier to give you all a chance to play the Halloween update.  Those on twitter will have already seen this sneak peek of Hazel wearing her cute new Halloween outfit. In addition to that, there will also be a few new head items for El Presidente.

CGs coming at you

Like last month our artists have been busy, adding a whole bunch of new pictures into the game. From new models to new CGs. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share this one on a public Patreon post, but... I think it's fine...? Nothing is being shown after all... I guess we'll see. Have some Lola!


The walkthrough has been updated and uploaded for version If you feel like I missed something, please let me know. I'll do a double check later to see if I have indeed updated it fully. 


Before I forget, here's this month's changelog:

24-10-2023 | v0.0.7.0

  • Main story continued
  • 5 new CGs
  • Samantha gloryhole quest added
  • Katey story continued
  • New minigame music
  • Updated Halloween event + Halloween outfit Hazel
  • Furniture for player cabin
  • Increased sneak-out chance when buying comics
  • Many additional Archelean words can now be translated. Search the forest for more language stones.
  • 1 Collectible fairy figurine +display in player cabin (just 1 for now, more in next update)
  • Player Halloween head customization
  • New menu UI (trial, will be improved later)
  • Changed graphic for finding secret areas with camera (footsteps)

Main story

Okay, now for the big one. I've been hoping to continue the main story for some time now and I've finally had the chance to. You probably have a lot of questions about what's going on in camp. What is the WAR? Why is Scarlet so hostile to you? Why can't I stop eating holiday sweets? At least two of these questions will be answered in this update!

Also, if you want to figure out what the girls are saying in Archelean, I've added a few more language stones into the game (explore the forest to find them). Which makes communication much easier. =)

Side content

I've also introduced something new. Collectible miniatures of fairy girls that you can find with your camera and add to the shelves in your cabin. Right now it's only one as I wait for my artist to draw more, but I quite like the idea. With the major story patch out of the way, I'll be focusing more on side content for the December update. Basically additional stuff for things you've seen before, like tile puzzles, potion recipes and WAR encounters via your camera.

And of course... the Christmas update! If there's one thing I enjoy more than Halloween, it's Christmas. Hopefully I'll be able to put some more Christmas stuff into the game, but we'll see.


The last Patreon poll was about being ok with having a female MC. Thank you everyone for voting again. I am very happily surprised at the outcome. After three games with a male MC, I felt like it was time I'd try my hands at something new. Now don't worry, this is still a long time off, but it's good to already start looking towards the future now.

New Patreon layout

So Patreon has a new layout again aaaand... I mean I don't hate it. It seems like big tech companies need to change up their style every few years for whatever reason. The only thing I miss is the notification that shows you how much your income has gone up or down. Before I could see roughly how my Patreon was doing and maybe plan bigger investments ahead of time, but they removed that so now it's just sorta gambling. Hopefully they'll add that back in the next update.

Wrapping up

All right, all right. I feel like I've gone on for too long. Thank you everyone for your support. I feel like Camp Mourning Wood is legit becoming a very solid game to play! More and more placeholders are being removed and rough edges are being smoothed out.

As always, if you have feedback or see a bug, please report it here or on my Discord and I'll get back to it asap.

Thank you all and see you soon!





Time for Dente to give his favorite cupid the dress she deserves, and to get some investigation doing! :D


I am unable to get the Patreon rewards


so I transferred my save and all my photos are gone?


Hi Felix, that could be because your persistent file didn't get transfered over. I have a solution for this, but it's not perfect. When you open your photoalbum, there is a small wrench icon near the center-bottom of the screen. If you click it, it will try to restore some of your photos. The button hasn't been updated in a few patches, so it won't bring back all your photos, but it's a start. I'll try updating it in a future patch, so it'll be easier to get your pictures back.


Hi J, thank you for your message. Patron rewards can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/collection/40708 You just need to scroll down to the tier you are on. =)


Hi there Whoriar, the walkthrough is available for the €6,- and up Patrons and can be found on the Patron reward page here: https://www.patreon.com/collection/40708


Will this be a mobile download any time soon?


Sweet. I'll up my pledge then eventually.. But on a different note, I have found a peculiar error... The background for the game has glitched. Where do I report this?


Okay, so.... yes I am planning on it, but there's a few things I want to get done first. UI stuff. I'm also going to hire someone to test the mobile version to make sure all the features work on there. Thank you for reminding me though. I'll look into it =)


ok im lost. any hints on the power supply?


I don't wanna put spoilers up for everyone but you can only get it on Day 8 I belive it is when campers arrive


Hi there Nathaniel, the walkthrough is for €6 and up Patrons and can be found on the Patron reward page here: https://www.patreon.com/collection/40708?view=expanded