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As some of you know, there is a very old version of the game available as a public demo which can be downloaded on my itch.io page. However, many things have been changed / added over time and I was wondering if it's a good idea to maybe update the demo.

In it I would include

  • First 8 social events with Emma, Amber and Penelope (basically fixing their amenity areas)
  • Main story up until the point where you capture Hazel (without cleansing)


As for my reasoning. We've been working on the GUI and polish a bit this month and I'm wondering if it's slowly starting to look good enough for going into Beta. On top of that, it's a good way of introducing new people to the project.

Previous Poll

Winning with an absolute landslide~.... the Anubis! Which is a very exciting result. It's a monster that's not used very often and I've already got a few very nice ideas for it. It'll take a little while to get implemented, but expect to see Anubis creatures sometime in the future~...

Thank you all again for your support. Let me know your thoughts and I'll catch you in the next update.




I´m for updating th Demo, since as you say, the changes in the UI area are significant enough that ppl should expereince them also in the demo. As for the content, I think that adding this could draw in more ppl, since they now will have invested more time into the girls and learning about them, without having seen everything, which can be the deciding factor when deciding whether or not to support the project.

Ai Muhao

I concur with this suggestion. I've followed you since Orange Trainer, and being able to play an early build (I can't recall whether it was a demo or not) was a big part of why I did so. It couldn't hurt to have the most updated version of a demo on the itch.io page.


I often look at the demos before pledging so I think it should be updated.


Showing progress by updating the demo is a good way to keep interest of people to see it. Can't really go wrong since you are expanding the story and adding new features from what was previously there.


Oh wow, i actually only played the Itchio version, i didn't know it was that outdated