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Hi guys! Here it is a follow up of the tier restructuring post.

So, I've already created the 4$ tier that gives you access to all the benefits. That will be the only functioning tier of this patreon in the future (not counting the extra support tier, that doesn't give you anything extra).

So, I've done some research about how it is the best way for you to switch to that tier. I can't delete the old tiers while there is patrons subscribed to it, so. You will have to switch to the Ivy tier yourself. Once everyone has move to it, I can delete the old ones.

But, if you switch to a tier that is cheaper/expensive that you current one, what happens? Do you have to pay again? What happens if you cancel? This is what I've found: (https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000126286-Editing-your-membership)


Btw, this is a Subscription billing type patreon.

If you upgrade: They pay the outstanding amount to upgrade and immediately unlock access. The patron will pay their new upgraded membership on their next billing date (depends on their join date).

If you downgrade: The patron retains their original membership access until their next billing date. On their next billing date, they'll pay their downgraded membership amount and will have downgraded access.

If you cancel: If you cancel, you retain your original membership access up to the  next billing date, which is determined by your join date. You are not  billed on the next billing date and lose membership access.

If you rejoin before your original access has ended, you’ll keep your  original bill date. If you cancel and rejoin after your original access  has ended, you’ll be treated as a new patron and your new join date  will be your monthly billing date.


So, to sum up. You should cancel your tier subscription (if it is not the IVY TIER already). You will still have access to the patreon and to the updates until the next billing date. Then, if you want to continue joined to this patreon, subscribe again right after you cancel or wait until you lose your access. However, this time be sure to subscribe to the Ivy tier, as the other tiers won't get updates past May 15th. 

Hope everything is clear! Thanks everyone


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