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So I'm flying back to Ireland for combination obligatory family visit/friends wedding TODAY so I seriously thought there was a zero possibility of getting this one done in time (the plan was to get the sword finished, bring the footage to Ireland and Edit it there). ESPECIALLY since the Anaphylactic Nonsense of last week was followed less than a week later by a SECOND trip to the ER (after losing 2 days to the dangers of distracting a nurse while she's measuring a dose I then lost an additional day to my 4 stitch adventure, details here: https://youtu.be/iLt-n_WCHY8 ). BUT IT WORKED OUT I GOT THE THING DONE now I have to stay away from power tools for ten days cause I'm physically 3000 miles away from them. Video soon (here's a picture of the hand for all you weirdo's out there: https://imgur.com/a/SEPXV08 ). 




..so send more gloves?


Thats got to be the most metal sword i´ve ever seen. AND I WATCHED ALL OF YOUR VIDEOS SEVERAL TIMES.