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The title references my short story stats to date and does not include my novel. Re-Entry is at 2 rejections and counting, but hey - I can look on the bright side, right? Someone somewhere decided that a story I wrote titled Red Skies, was a good fit for their vampire anthology. 

So that's something. This anthology pays a percentage of the proceeds, so I likely won't even make $5 off of it, but now my work is out in the wild. Who knows where it might end up. 

I plan on writing and submitting another 10 shorts this month, and resubmitting any stories that get rejected to other venues. Then I will slow down on that front to work on other things. What other things? Tenebroum maps and Re-entry re-writes mostly. Now that I am almost done bulking my backlog and refreshing my covers, those are my top to-dos. 

Look at this fine collection of covers! 



Keep pushing my dude you have something with your writing