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Damn y’all skipped past Toji teleporting around Megumi that part was cool


RNG Master

You guys seem to have missed the significance of that scene of toji taking himself out. If you remember from 3 episodes ago when toji was summoned by the grandma the order given was to "kill jujutsu sorcerers". Toji was phasing in an out of consciousness in this berserk killing mode. When he was actually conscious and speaking he was following the command of killing sorcerers but when he was unconscious and his eyes are completely blacked he was just going after the strongest person (he went for megumi cause he was the strongest). Since he came to his senses once toji realized he was fighting his son, he was once again driven by the "kill all sorcerers command" this would force him to kill megumi so in order to stop his body from doing that he killed himself after being satisfied and proud that his son chose to take on his last name "fushiguro" rather than zenin even though megumi is in the zenin clan he doesn't fuck with them or identify with them as such. Proud father moment cause toji hated the zenin clan too and so does maki