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Hate to sound like an asshole, but you guys would know Toji's plan if you simply read the subtitles : he has none. It was said by the narrator in this episode that he already lost his consciousness after the "seance" resurrection technique should have ended, now he's just a killing machine that goes after strong opponents on pure instinct, basically he's a zombie. He will keep killing strong people around him until his body finally collapses on its own, which implies that Megumi's cursed energy is actually stronger than Nanami's, Maki's and Naobito's (the old man).

RNG Master

That's not what it implies. Toji can't sense cursed energy so he wouldn't know who is the strongest one except through instincts. He simply looked at them and noted megumi is the least injured and looked the strongest at that moment. Had it been a fully rested and healed naobito there he would've gone for him


Season 2 of invincible dropped yesterday in case y’all didn’t know