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I'm not sure why people expect Takemitchy to learn how to fight... this whole show's taken place in the span of 5 months so far. When would he have learned how to fight with everything else going on? It's not happening, lol. They also said Mikey's brother couldn't fight and always lost. To be fair, Takimitchy didn't expect anything could/would happen to Emma until the moment before Kisaki was speeding towards him on a bike with a metal bat. There wasn't anything presented to give this away before this episode, not for the viewer, or Takimitchy himself... maybe in hindsight a subtle hint here and there. He wasn't aware how important Emma was to Mikey until she told him this story just now, so he had no reason to look for her in the future. This man still thought Kisaki was swinging for him with that bat, and that's not an unfair assumption, lol.


Yeah, no, I get you... not unless you trust that perseverance alone will get it done in the end. I understand the support they give him, and even the admiration, but faith in getting it done? The only way I could see it making sense in having that amount of faith in him, is that other than Chifuyu and Naoto, no one else knows what his real goal is, or the extent of it. The others see him getting small wins, while we as the viewer, along with Naoto see him taking bigger L's, lol. As far as the people in the past are concerned, this man keeps pulling off the impossible. Saving Draken's life, the ordeal with Shibuya and Taiju? I guess for Mikey, Drake, Shibuya, and the rest, Takemitchy's been instrumental in their success, all the while really failing at the big goal in the future, but they don't know he's failing.

RNG Master

Keep in mind that most of these people who trust him don't know how many times the man has failed since he keeps leapint back and forth between time. Only one who rides for him hard is chifuyu and his neighborhood hood boys like akkun who were tight with him since they were kids