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Kyo Masamune

Not sure if Johnny explained off camera, but Kirito's intention to be the villain was because everyone was starting to lose trust in each other since they didn't know who could be beta testers. This divide in everyone would go against what Diabel was trying to do which was to unite everyone. Kirito sacrificed himself and his reputation to protect both the beta testers and new players from fighting each other and made himself out to be some real bigger kind of asshole rather than focus on the beta testers. Hence why he dissolved his party with Asuna to play solo. He even encouraged her to join others while he went alone.


I hope you guys watch every szn there’s ups and downs but W overall


yes season 2 is iffy but ultimately is good and in my personal opinion season 3 and 4 is so gass


The way I understood how the guidebook worked was that players themselves were able to write and distribute it somehow. So when it says the information came from beta testers, it means they literally wrote it when already trapped with others, it didn't update automatically with game progress. As such, it was "wrong" about the behavior of the first boss because it was changed compared to beta, not because the game provided a book that would intentionally trip them up (nor did the beta testers intentionally give false information).