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LOU 1x9.mp4



Crazy, the game ended almost beat for beat the same way too. The final rescue followed with the big lie. People had a lot of thoughts on the whole thing. On one hand (this is especially true for those that played the game) people were sympathetic to Joel given his history with humanity, and Sarah. On the other ofc people were bittersweet that this new relationship now has blood on it. Marlene mishandled herself when she thought she could skip the tough questions and just split these two up hoping they’d go along with it. Joel isn’t a virtuous guy. I firmly believe him being told his newfound meaning for life would die for people he doesn’t know or care about triggered him into a frenzy. Personally as someone that played this way back in 2013, actually playing through the events as Joel, it was hard for me not to be on Joel’s side. Ellie’s a special kid and deserves to live, plus we love her so It’s complicated like Chris said. Potent ending that I feel didn’t need a sequel but 💀 yeah I’ll just stop there on that. Thanks for reacting to it. I hope you guys think about streaming a playthrough of TLoU.