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Code Geass 1x4.mkv


RNG Master

This series makes a lot of nods to Nicolo machiavellis book "the prince" and sun tzus work "the art of war" (many of the war tactics lelouch uses are basics of the art of war). Philosophy and ideals play a big role here for sure. Since I doubt you guys are gonna read them I give you the super short summary. Some of the main ideas of the prince are as follows: 1)the ends justify the means (results matter more than the method used to produce said results 2) It is better to be feared than to be loved. (A tyrannical ruler or a dictator will be a more effective ruler than a weak, peace loving benevolent fool).


Ah yea, iv heard about the art of war so many times from media. But yeah Iv never read it, call me dumb but im not much of a book person lol, i understand the idea of it though of course


This series is on Netflix and Hulu so yall can watch it on there with the closed caption on so u can read too

RNG Master

I Don't think they can stream off those sites due to copy right and also Netflix doesn't allow you to use screencapture