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2022-03-09 17-09-45.mkv


Nguyen Anh Quan

One more thing, as of right now it seems like Sola-ui (Kayneth's wife) doesn't actually want the grail itself and just doing this right now because of her affection towards Lancer and her only true purpose of taking the seal it to make him hers. Don't know if we will get to know her true purpose later or not but it seem like the case right now. Well all of this is just my own deduction from the show so far so take it with a grain of salt. Looking forwards to more of Fate.


Btw, the old lady and old man are not real grandma and granddad of Waver (rider's master). He just casted a spell on them to make them think he is their grandson. We knew it from episode 1 I believe, you guys probably missed that scene