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Check back later guys, google drive is slow with rendering


Told y’all this shit gets hot, can’t wait to see the upcoming reactions.

RNG Master

The answer to the light bulb game was A. The light bulbs used in that game were incandescent bulbs they're old school and the type that get hot when used unlike led lights. Remember that they get unlimited tries when the door is closed. That's why alice randomly guessed A and waited a while for the bulb to heat up because it wouldn't light up unless he guessed correctly and if he guessed right the bulb would be hot that's how he figured it out. So his plan was likely to keep guessing until the bulb got hot. He got lucky because his first guess was right


As RNG Master said the bulb is incandescent which will heat up when turned on. The way the light bulb puzzle is answered: (as seen) you close the door, flip switch A, let the bulb heat up if it was the right switch, open the door, flip switch B (which did not turn on). If the bulb was cold the answer is switch C, if the bulb was hot the answer is switch A. He could have also done it this way Flip switch C first with the door closed, then B (does not turn on) with the door open, kuina would have touched a cold bulb, meaning switch A is the right switch. There is no guess work to get the answer, it's deductive reasoning.