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2022-01-04 17-43-23.mkv



You guys sort of missed what Tengan said to his wives there... I don't think this scene was meant to depict their bond, or how their relationship came to be. What he told them was, despite being Shinobi, to put their own lives first, which contradicts what a Shinobi is supposed to do. Put their own lives ahead of the mission. He said in order what's most important, their lives, then the general public, and finally his own. Basically, despite us being Shinobi and himself a Demon Slayer as well, your lives will always come first over everything. How those three became his wives I think is yet to be seen (or won't be at all). As for their clothing... well they were sent undercover in the red light district... what would you expect?


I dont think I needed to go over what the point of that scene was but yes I understood it contextually (Johnny speaking). I just have too little attatchment or care for these characters to listen to a monologue of what basically boils down to, I care about my wives over the code of shinobi. That whole scene explains one thing, that he cares about them. Yet how can i care about someones relationship when iv gotten so little character development from both parties. I just don't care enough for these character to listen about them going against their code or what ever. Thats just the truth. It doesn't do anything for me


I know im late but I want to chime in. It wasn't meant to be a scene to establish a bond, you guys seem to think that every character needs development and some reason for the viewer to care about them. It was shown simply to show the mindset of Uzui not to establish some character development or build a bond.


They used his wives as stepping stones for character development. Which for me, if you gotta insert reoccurring characters who dont have much significance personality wise, or story wise, to build another character up, then its not gonna sell me on the character your trying to morally build up. I feel nothing for the decisions hes made about his wives because the show doesnt tell us what exactly about them made him decide to do this other than hes a good guy. Which is just super shallow writing imo