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2021-08-06 19-37-25.mkv



told you guys not to watch the op till episode 85 😆. Well anyways I'm leaving my two cents here.. my guy on the left, I fail to see what you dont like about the fights, the show is based off magic and fighting..so far with you guys reaction do you not like because some of the character's utterly dominate a battle or what's wrong? Sometimes that's just bound to happen.. so that tells you there is some differences in strength levels between the characters, I dont see how that makes a fight Boring.. then you deny characters backstories of course you dont feel anything afterwords because you talk over the person's backstory, talking about how you don't want backstories, during a backstory it comes off of passive aggressive & you ruin your own experience with the show. With any series you watch this is going to be apart of said series just for future reference.. you have to decide what you want there is going to be slow down episodes, some episodes going to be backstories, some episodes cool down episodes, it's all apart of the process, of course you're free to gripe but I just feel like it's a bit overdramatic Sometimes, instead of just enjoying the ride. Usually what motivates me in watching becoming somewhat accustomed to a community, whether it be learning facts about an author Btw Charmy is supposed to be mirrored after the creator of the series Yuki Tabatas wife ~ Ging Freece