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2021-02-02 21-07-48.mkv



lmaooooooo yall hella funny. "Aint somethin supposed to be on the screen" " Why didnt you say somethin earlier" lmaao

Cadari Johnson

I'll explain Mechamaru's condition here. So basically he was born with a "Heavenly Pact" forced upon him, so all his life he's lived with an arm missing, no legs, no sensation from the waists down and even moonlight burns his skin. In exchange for this pact forced on him he was also born with tremendous cursed energy compared to all the other students. If he could trade it all for a normal body he would

Cadari Johnson

Great reaction by the way these fights are bouta be a full course meal


“Best fight in the show” like cmon you not remember episode 7, 12 and 13


On youtube you said your one episode ahead on patreon but your not I joined your patreon thinking that was the case I mean I'm not angry I'll just watch your parasite reactions just wondering about jujutsu 17