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2021-01-25 00-27-42.mkv



Look so dissapointed man ion think its tht serious. Its a cruel world man i keep morality out of the fictional story. enjoy it better when u dive into the perpectives of the characters


Johny looked so depressed through out the whole video lol. Also these fan subs are pretty bad, a lot got mistranslated.


Just so you know armin wasn't smiling he was actually crying because he knew he was about to kill alot of people


I can see why Johnny thinks everyone in paradis is now a piece of shit. But the thing is that if Paradis doesn’t attack and stays on the island minding their own business or even trying to resolve their problems by “talking it out”. Everything that happened in this episode would’ve happen to all the people in paradis. Civilians and children would be killed (people who have NOTHING to do in this war) and the people we’ve been following throughout AOT would be killed. The goal would also be to retake the founding and colossal titan. Paradis would be wiped off the planet. So Eren’s thought was that why should he sacrifice the people on the island, his comrades, to be a good guy? Yeah the things Eren is doing on Marley is horrible but he keeps moving FORWARD because if he didn’t HIS people would be killed.


There is no "buts" bro. You really cant justify what Eren is doing AT ALL. Even if they were doomed to the same faith if nothing was done. Right now all we can do is see who wins because massacres and genocides can never be justified


You cant expect Eren to gamble everyones safety for a very small chance at peace with a country that is on a 100 year plus streak of wanting to kill your whole race, Marley literally got their kids wanting to kill u on some mind control propaganda. Its literally kill everyone or death at this point. Its not about bad or good its about survival, Eren and the island has way too much to lose to try to be the bigger person. The island isnt enough of a global super power to be able to pull punches and not do the most slimy tactics if your enemies would gladly kill your new born kids. Not only gladly do it but have already done it multiple times. You cant fight monsters by being merciful.


Armins target was the Navy that would have possibly prevented escape for Eren and company. The civilians were just collateral of the nuke but regardless Armin was sad that he had to kill people even if they were good or bad.


Johnny you seem to be dismissing the fact that over half humanity within the walls was lost as a result of Berholt, Reiner, and Annie's attack, not just those killed on the first day. They destroyed the wall, and the inner gate, let mass numbers of Titans in. Probably 10,000+ people were killed as a result. Oh, and as they explained in the episode, Armin destroyed the Navy to prepare their escape route. And the entire world just declared war on Paradis island, before Eren's attack. They would've been eradicated. This was Eren's only option.


Johnny knows most of the stuff you said and isnt dismmissing it (Im unsure about the armin thing tho) but he just feels different about Eren and company now because he believes that there couldve been a better plan that would have had less civilian casualites. I disagree with this though and believe that any other plan would have been worse than the one Eren has right now


? this doesnt make any sense. We understand its fiction but to TAKE morality out of this show would ruin the whole point the creator was trying to make.

Robert Solis

My mans really said eren only lost his mom....


Are these guys blind? If that’s was a smile by armin then I don’t know what these two been smoking 😅


I said tht because he thinks everyone is a piece of shit cause there at war and there killing eachother. You think paradis would be doing this if they didnt have too. It's more of circumstances tht brought them into this situation. Man almost looks like hes not enjoying the story


also they think the side characters have it rougher then eren ever did..... bruh ya forget like 10 years of torment the mc went thru or somthin???


he just being a salty soy boy. not everyone has the stomach for a proper revenge story


Johnny, did you just say eren only lost his mom? How do you even conclude that? Eren watched his comrades die left and right. He watched his neighbors obliterate, he also has memories of his aunty been eaten by dogs, he is dealing with an enemy that wants to genocide the Eldians, he watched Levi squad be destroyed. Like come on Johnny Eren lost a lot of loved ones. Chris, Armin was not smiling, he was clenching his jaw. He hates causing suffering and destruction.


hahaha i love how johnny so tight about it. in all honesty its fkd up how the ppl of paradis island are doin it and i feel you bro. its crazy how both sides feel like the bad guys but this shit is HOT and im here for the messed up revenge story.


It’s not a revenge story, it’s Eren doing what he feels he has to do. In his mind it’s kill or be killed. He’s not that hateful boy he was in past seasons. Seeing those memories of the past and future clearly changed him. He’s simply willing to kill others for the survival of his own people. That’s it. Whether or not you agree with his methods is another thing entirely, but at least make sure you understand why.


I was comparing the circumstances and tragedy they experienced at that specific age that Gabbi is currently at. We don't know what else Gabbi will go through in the future as we didn't know with Eren in the first episode. I cant compare Eren losing comrades because he was much older than Gabbi when those tragedies begun. Please think more about what I say before jumping to conclusions about what it is I mean.


Daam just noticed falcoas voice actor is tanjiro