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2021-01-17 21-11-55.mkv





41:38 the Warhammer titan is different from the others because the person controlling it isn't on the nape, is not like they change their body or consciousness down there..


Jean was the one with the long silver hair, he was arguing with bitch ass Loucth or whatever his name is


Your guys discussions are the best lol. Chris is BASED


You didn’t watch the preview lol the next ep will be even more hype


Eren is the good guy, everyone on the other side of the sea is a bad guy. right and wrong do not matter because good and bad is a personal opinion, not a social construct.


Awesome reaction.


I get where Johny comin from in callin Eren the bad guy (and he addresses this somewhat in the video) but I just wanna point out that the Tyburs and the army dude did bait Eren into attacking like that. They knew what was going to happen. Regardless of where Eren turned into a Titan, a lot of innocent people were going to die. (The line Willy said is a good one. Whats the difference between soldiers and innocents dying? A life is still a life.) There isn't a real "right" way to start / end a war, and following good morals isn't how to win a war, Just my two cents. Great reaction as always


I agree. There is no way they can win the war while avoiding casualties to civilians, especially with the whole world against them. Eren and paradis have no choice but to fight this war because whether they want to fight or not, marley is coming after them.


If Johnny was the one making the plans in this war. Eren wouldve lost years ago lmao


I agree with calling Eren a bad guy. But saying that there is the other way is just silly in my opinion.


Johnny and Chris are both correct and I hope the community comes to terms with the fact that everyone involved in this war is "bad". Using social justices to rationalize the killings doesn't work. Eren and Willy both bargained with Human lives for a strategic gain, so its really just about who you personally empathize with more.


When I say "other way" you do know im referring exclusively to the start of Erens plan right? Where he transformed under that building when he could of easily jumped out of a window and transformed on top of willy while trapping Reiner the same way they trapped the other two titans?


we get it both sides are "bad" lmao just enjoy the greatness


LMAO great reaction! that was a fire episode glad y'all enjoyed


You see marley even got their kids wanting to kill u. U cant make peace with that and to protect your own u have to kill the people that want to kill u even if they r brain washed cause that doesnt change the fact that they want u to die. And if eren didnt take action nothing would change the world was gonna pull up anyway.


Eren changed when he kissed Historia's hand and also when he went to the beach.


There was half a year timeskip (in between Historia scene and the beach) . He had a lot of time to think about stuff.


Please can you make the video titles less spoilers, because I do not watch these episodes as soon as they come out


ill try but I also recommend looking at the start of the title first so you know if its an episode you haven't seen yet. Thats why I type the titles at the end