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2020-11-29 20-04-25.mkv



Onoki’s grandson was killed years after the war by rouge ninja raiding the village, the scientist comes with an offer to create fabrications using white Zetzu that he collected, Onoki wasn’t sure if he should use it but he wanted to protect the next generation as they are too weak so he aided the scientist in making the fabrications so they can fight for the next gen so no more kids would have to die, he thought he was doing it for the better by sending off soldiers with no will or feelings into battle if need be but he needed mitsuki so they can make a proper study on how to create long term artificial beings, as their experiments needed regular maintenance and could die easily, ultimately the fabrications turned out to be more human than he expected, having a will, personalities and overthrew the village moving forward to the end of the arc, Ku the leader fabrication made from the zetzu and onoki’s cells needed a heart so that he could live longer than his natural time span as I stated earlier cuz they are imperfect and die fast so they presumably had us thinking he took the scientist heart especially when it was stated the scientist body was never found and orochimaru questioned where technology like that came from if not from him and that all evidence was destroyed in the lab, hinting at someone out there rivaling technology of that of orochimaru, aka kara, we all assumed the scientist was an outer based off that and considering how he had a zetzu body and how evil he seemed, but we got the confirmation recently, everything comes full circle this arc. So that’s how it all correlates

Nyan Krunex

Pretty much, and btw that scientist guy or the Kara Outer died this time hopefully lmao on EP 174😆


(I commented on the wrong vid oops)