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2020-11-25 20-38-17.mkv



Listen y’all. I’m going through some serious depression shit and the ONLY thing that actually has the power to get me excited about something is your guys’ Korra reactions. I patiently wait everyday lol

Burooj Ahanger

the liquid metal is mercury


"what happened to her" Did Did y'all not see the episode or

Brock Percle

Im convinced they watch but dont pay attention, they dont know half the peoples names and still call meelo malo lol


Basically a run down on that Korra ending: All of Korras life shes prided herself on being strong and capable, shes always wanted to be the worlds avatar. Now after sacrificing everything, she is wheelchair bound and unable to preform her duties, the air nation has to take over for her while she recovers. Thats a detrimental blow to anyones self esteem, especially to a person like Korra. Also mercury, the poison injected in her, will mess with your brain. Korra in this finale is depressed and broken in a way we have never seen the avatar.


When you said she had the perfect opportunity to land on her feet, that were her breaking her legs lol and then when she slammed windy boy into the ground that was her shattered her legs even more. You said you didn’t get it. Ya got a strong, impulsive, headstrong woman and you capture her, beat her up, poison her, shatter her bones and put her in a wheelchair. Then you put her in a happy moment and tell her, we will replace you and do your job that you wanted to do since you were 5 👀 Shes broken my dude, will crushed and in a wheelchair lol


Im not angry, sarcastic a lil but not angry xD


damn Johnny looks mad tired in this one


She broke her legs and has mercury poisoning

Loco Logic

Uh... what happened to her? Well the physical bone breaking injuries she suffered would've been enough to answer that question. But even more devastating is the extremely heavy concentrated dose of MERCURY poisoning she got. Just a small amount of that irl can greatly affect a person's neurological state, and large doses can permanently damage your brain function and nervous system. The fact that they show those sort of long term consequences from her final encounter with the Red Lotus (including PTSD from y'know almost DYING) is actually one of the most impressive aspects of this finale. Personally I think it cut pretty deep.


She didn't break her legs there. The poison crippled her. You can see the air she makes as she falls. The poison essentially crushed her from the inside.

Robert Solis

Wish yall would listen to us the fans more and try to actually react and listen to the story you know considering we pay to see these reactions early ...would help so you dont call everything weird or not understand half the stuff you watch and then shit on the show


Facts, I considering not paying no more, if it’s just random articulation and hate


Rewatch episode 12. After Zaheer knocks Korra's dad off the cliff and he gains the ability to fly and takes Korra away, they show the dad was saved by Kuvira - one of Su's guards.


I wanted to reach through the monitor and smack both of them in the head for saying "what happened to her" 🤣. Korra gets poisoned, thrashed around like a rag doll, smashing into rocks left and right breaking who knows what, and they go "bruh, what happened to her?" 🤦🏻‍♂️


Completely with you on how Nickelodeon did Korra dirty. Season 1, 3, and 4 prove that the show can be good when they are given support. I always thought season 3 was the strongest because of how it leads into 4. The antagonist coming up is much more sympathetic than Zaheer


Pleased to see you guys enjoyed the season as much as most of us. It's argued that seasons three and four have the smoothest transitions because Mike+Bryan were greenlit for both seasons 3+4 at once (hence season 3 ending with a pretty intense cliffhanger), unlike the first two seasons. Also, disclaimer: fan-science ahead: the poison that Korra suffered from was likely mercury-based. While pure mercury is weird in that it is liquid at room temperature, it's been established that earthbenders can't bend at least some pure metals (hence the pure platinum). There have to be earth-based impurities in the metal for something to be "metalbent." Also pure-mercury doesn't absorb into the skin. Organic mercuries, on the other hand, can be absorbed through skin and are some of the most potent neurotoxins...like in real life. We know that earthbenders can bend nonliving organic rocks like coal (refer to early Avatar episode when we first meet Haru). The poison in Korra was likely something like dimethyl-mercury, which in real life is a liquid, absorbs into skin easily, and is extremely toxic. And since it's partially organic, earthbenders can bend it. The red lotus poison was probably even diluted with more "earth-based" liquids since it only takes a few drops of pure organic-mercury to kill.

Katherinne Heller

Wow guys, I have read pretty negative comments here (and some of them are distasteful and even rude, they are not some kind of employees to be bossed around). I know all of the complains are based on a real discomfort about how the "Brothers" are reacting and commenting the episodes, but that`s the beauty of the human reactions, they are messy and naturally imperfect but they are honest, and I think that is what we really want. Not actors saying things we want to hear. About the complains of the fans, I believe that lately there has been some detachment from you "Brothers" in relation to the series you are watching, and that does not work really well in series like Avatar, that has so much content from many areas of life, all of them put in about 20 min. The fans of these two series love to analyse and debate those very same issues, which are usually deep. I joined because you did those debates among yourselves, plus you were funny (and still are). I feel the community is just asking for a more "conscious" reaction, in order to have those interesting conversations we want, with you guys. I hope you are doing well in whatever context you are. See you around. KH


It's not even both brothers but one who has seen the series. For some reason this episode he seemed oblivious the whole episode but yet is the first one to call out bad writing or critique the show. How are you gonna give a thoughtful well rounded analysis if your not interested in the content you watch.


Lol i mean i told them. Criticism is fine but it has to make sense. You would think they wrote like 10 nyt best sellers..lmao


the Poison was Mercury. one of the side effects of mercury poisoning is long term depression


She’s in a wheelchair because she fell endlessly off a cliff, and the poison is metallic because it is mercury, the story continues in Season 4 but Korra’s development is crazy good next season because how humane it is. It’s cool you didn’t understand but next season is entirely off this finales ending so take it into account in future reactions!


Firstly, mercury is a better speedy poison that gets the job done in comparison to platinum, plus they couldn’t make the poison platinum cus they had to bend it into her and no one can bend platinum. Secondly in the last episode one of the metal clan members saved tonraq on the cliff, they had like a small scene dedicated to him being saved and bandaged up. Thirdly, korra is so sad cus she has known that she was the avatar and embraced it her whole life. While aang was a human who learned to be the avatar in the beginning, korra was the avatar who learned to be a literal human. Her whole identity is based on being the avatar. Now she has depression from the poison and the lack of power she has. She used to be practically unstoppable, now she can’t walk. Now she can’t do her job as the avatar when that’s all she wants to do. It’s just f*cking her up fundamentally to the core as she’s a person who prides herself on being the avatar, the person everyone relies on for safety. She feels obsolete, crippled and useless.