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2020-11-18 22-47-39.mkv



It shows the dad getting saved by a metal bender


He says he's no longer tied to this world by earthly desires because his girl died. Which enabled him to find true freedom and transcend (fly).

Ian Lurke

🤣🤣🤣 he called this man vegeta for skipping a level ha!


Its always great to see father & daughter fighting together. Something that I think is sorely missing in childrens animation (and in general). Korra and Tonraq have come so far in their relationship since S2 and its great to see them work so smoothly with eachother. (Knowing when to duck, or step behind the other, or take the shot) Man I cant wait for yalls reaction to the next episode, so many awesome fight scenes and emotional ones aswell.

Katherinne Heller

God!!! So good!! Ep 13, Season Finale! Here it comes!!


You missed the part where they show that Tonraq was saved by Kuvira


He keeps on saying "let go of your earthly tether", the only thing he cared about in the world was Poli, and once she died he was able to "become wind". And also the original airbenders could fly aswell.


No they couldn't. Zaheer said it himself. The only airbender to ever fly was Guru Laghima. The ancient airbenders floating on little air clouds is not the equivalent to flying


And guys the next episode is the LAST episode lol. Theres only 13 episodes in book 3 so shits gonna get crazy


So from my understanding of that thing Zaheer would recite “let go of your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind” in order to master flight, you have to let go of whatever attaches you to this world. In Zaheers case, it was P’li. So when P’li died, he was able to let go and start flying. Now in Aang’s case, he was not able to fly because so many things attached him to the world. E.g. Katara, his friends, etc.

Ever Borjas

And the fact that he's the avatar. His sole duty was to the world. He is forever tethered


Kuvira has been in multiple scenes since The Metal Clan episode. She in the newspaper, the dancer when they first meet Suyin, the guard Captain Suyin always speaks to and the one Lin orders to search for Aiwei after he destroyed his home all before this


Korra's dad is alive lol Kuvira saved him, they show him thanking her in that scene she says her name hhaha


Half of this season was aired on tv n the other half was aired online. All of next season was totally online.


Other than avatars, lava benders have been those who are earth benders who are descendant of fire nation. Maybe in the future lava will be more common


Airbenders have various sub bending styled too but alot of them are just lost to time.


lol, they miss all the important scenes cause they're constantly talking and being loud and screaming and looking all over the place except the screen


These episodes are amazing! Seconding Lorenzo here: The ability to fly is possible by letting go of one's earthly tether (anything or anyone that they are attached to). These is what Aang had to do to open the last chakra, which he refused because he didn't want to let go of Katara. Once P'li died in front of Zaheer (he's only attachment) he let go.