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2020-11-14 18-00-51.mkv



Another really cool thing about the fight is the way they show Tenzins airbending skills and technique. In the action sequence you see Zaheer having to grab onto ledges and take time to propel himself to the next level while Tenzin can just fly up to where he needs to be without several boosts. The subtle way they showed Tenzin's mastery over Zaheer was the definition of showing not telling done right. It was made even cooler by having the traditional air nomad bending clash against martial arts style airbending. The fight scenes for the finale just get even better, cant wait!


They really had to jump my boy Tenzin like that lmao

Official Jrem

Zaheer was getting wrecked by Tenzin he’d be done for if it wasn’t for the rest of his crew jumping in


Story is definitely not dull. Unalaq was cliche and wanted to take over the world. These guys don't want that. They want to free the world. Maybe you just don't resonate with their plan, but its definitely not a dull thing. Theres barely anything wrong with this season.


Also don't forget that they didn't know how long the show as gonna be, that's why each season has a new villain.


It doesn’t work for me

Katherinne Heller

Season 3 is my favourite🤟! season 4 is great as well. Come on ep 12!! 🙌


Yall expect too much. Chillout


Well but it also showed how ridiculous Zuko's hyperbolic statement about the Red Lotus actually was, a bendingless Zaheer would get steamrolled by several benders Zuko knew.


this episode was heat

Carzell Wells

another reason Tenzin fought so hard imo is that he realized his siblings were fighting the other members so when they came and teamed up on him he probably assumed they were all dead tbh