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2020-11-07 15-40-26.mkv



I think a large part of the conflict, besides Lin having to look at the scar every single day, is that she feels in some way cheated. Lin has always followed the way of the law and done the objectively "right" thing in the eyes of the general public. Su on the other hand, broke the law, looked out only for herself, and was kind of a brat. But then we see in this episode where the two sisters are. Lin has had a failed relationship, single, and now works at a job that she admits to Opal, isn't one she particularly likes. Meanwhile Su has created this wonderful life for herself; built a magnificent city, has a large & loving family, and is overall just the definition of success. So I feel like Lin is partly jealous that all throughout her life she did what she thought was the correct thing, but sowed none of the same benefits that her trouble maker sister did. Also we know from her season 1 drama with Tenzin is that she has a tendency to hold long-lasting grudges. That's just how I see it anyways.


Lin does need to let it go and accept things as they are. That being said, fuck Su. Never does she apologize or accept responsibility for her bullshit. It's only about how she's changed and different but owning up to your mistakes is a key component to reconciliations. Lin didn't want to see her in the beginning and wasn't obligated to forgive and forget. But Toph really dropped the ball by not being a more active parent

Kalah Dolman

I think part of Toph’s problem is how she herself was raised in such a smuthering and overprotective environment, so she tried to be the exact opposite of her parents and wasn’t as involved with her kids as she should have been. Add to that being a single parent and her disability, and it just all starts to unravel.