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2020-06-17 21-23-20.mp4


Tyrese Marshall

How does the polling system on the next tier work, because I would really like to watch u two react to gleipnir, which released a week after tower of god, and frankly I’ve grown to enjoy much more than tower of god in terms of both fight scenes and story. It has some fan service but not to the level of other series and by episode 4 isn’t really as apparent. As I was saying I just would like to no if the next tier works as I recommend something or vote on the series you have in mind.


We take reccomendations from all our patrons, we watch trailers or look into the animes recommended a little bit to see if its our taste, and then we decide what animes recommended to put in the poll for people to vote on in our 4 star pledge

Cadari Johnson

There’s 13 episodes so one more to go for the season