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2020-03-07 16-55-28.mp4



Just the fact that Gentle getting into UA would shut down the festival, ruin all the student's hard work, ruin Eri's first event (the first thing she's ever been excited about), and it would destroy UA's reputation, adding further distrust from society. The hero society is already fragile with All Might gone and the failures of UA protecting the students. Imagine if another villain was able to breach them. What would the social ramifications be?


I think you will be happy next episode Johnny lol


Lmao didn't hey say he had a "big plan" where he was gonna sneak into UA and kidnap Eri? They discussed this plan like 3 or 4 episodes ago. Idk how its "not a big deal" when a villain just say 'oh...hey...you caught me but it's not a big deal, I'm just gonna sneak in your school and do nothing. Do you trust my word om that?" Lmaooooooo come on Johnny 🤦🏾‍♂️

Kevin Kovacs

I agree with you man! Johnny is just doesn't understand Gentle yet but we shall see in the next ep 😅😆