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  Im sorry to say the Microphone signal in these reactions were putting out a white noise over our voice the whole time. I'v done my best to cut out the white noise and preserve our voice through EQ tricks, but i need to let you guys know the audio still isn't very pretty. This was completely random and frustrating on our part, but we hope you guys will still enjoy the reactions.  





It doesn't matter too much but you guys saw Historia's mother get killed by Kenny 3 episodes ago. Frieda would just come by every so often to spend time with Historia so she could have some social interaction, since her actual mother hated her. Also, in this episode they confirmed that there is an injection that turns people into dumb titans, if the dumb titan eats a titan shifter, they become a titan shifter themselves and take their powers.


Ok so to clear a little up for you guys so erens dad was a titan shifter he ate frieda took her power and eren ate his dad and took his power so essentially eren has two titan powers but can't use one power cause he isn't a Reiss