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Well guys, this is it. We are officially done with season 2. We may take a short break from uploading My Hero but will be stocking up on reactions to season 3 if we do. Enjoy the full length reaction everyone!





The season finale gave Shigaraki a bunch of character development. Before he was just going about killing breaking and murdering anything he didn't like to get what he wanted like an immature little brat. That was the difference between him and Stain. Stain had goals. He had an ideology. He had an end goal with every move and kill and made. That's why he got the attention. That's why he made the headlines. That's why he had the followers. Shigaraki was pissed and confused because he couldn't understand why Stain got all the attention while nobody really paid him any mind. So when Stain's followers come to join the League of Villains Shigaraki gets pissed, and immediately tries to kill them instead of acting like a VALID supervillain and using them like the portal guy suggests. So he takes a break and goes on a walk to try and figure out what he was missing, and what the difference between him and Stain was. That's when he comes across Midoriya, so he holds Midoriya hostage to make him explain what the difference between him and Stain was. And you're right, from the talk he basically came to the same conclusion, which was that he wanted to kill All Might (btw this is NOT what Stain wanted. Because Stain's ideology was different from Shigaraki's. Stain loved All Might, and he wanted all heroes to be like All Might while Shigaraki wanted a society WITHOUT All Might). But the big difference is that now Shigaraki gained some validity in a sense that he's now turned into a villain who is going to strategize, plan, and use whatever means he needs to get his job done. Every move he makes is now going to have an end goal, just like Stain. He is now turning into the sort of villain that All For One wants him to be. You'll see by Season 3, this finale gave a BUNCH of character development to Shigaraki.


His original reason for wanting to kill all might was because he didn't like him plain and simple. He now wants to kill him to show society just how much they rely on all might and his symbol of peace. At least that was my understanding of it.


Im sure will see more about him in season 3, but nothing in this episode really told us clearly that hes more devoted and focused on killing All Might this time. He tried earlier to kill him at the end of the first season so you would think he was just as focused then with his goal, so why would it be any different this time. Only thing I can think of is that hes more focused on the same goal hes had since his first appearance this time because it will destroy the following that Stain has.


To me it seems like he only wants to kill All Might this time because it'll mess with all the people who follow Stains ideology instead of his.


I think the main difference is that before Shigaraki wanted to kill All Might for no reason other than maybe that All for One wanted him to. Now he still wants to kill All Might, but for a separate reason. Same goal, different path. It's not much, but at least like All for One said he now has a conviction. The appeal of Shigaraki is that he's just like Midoriya but instead of learning to become a hero, he's learning to become a true villain. He actually develops, which doesn't happen very often for villains.


I became a Patreons so I could get more of the reactions to MHA! So from one of your new Patreons, please, please, please have season 3 episode 4 uploaded to Patreon by this Saturday! This episode will blow away all of the other episodes you have seen up to this point.

Doug Wills

Basically he knows why he hates All Might so much. And you're definitely not supposed to like Shigaraki. He does not believe the same thing as Stain. Stain thinks they're hypocrites but that All Might is not. Shigaraki thinks society is bullshit, and that they all feel safe because All Might exists. If All Might no longer exists he thinks society will fall apart.

Doug Wills

I'm sooooo excited for that one, too. I can never pick if it's my favorite episode or if the other obvious favorite episode is my favorite episode. Haha.


Yay! On to season 3! It’s going to be amazing!


The whole shigaraki conviction thing was kinda lost in translation basically before he just did things which appealed to him at the time but in this episode he has the following reasoning, ordinary people in the world are too complacent, shigariki thinks the world is a harsh place and it infuriates him that other people don't see it that way so he tries to make people as convinced that the world is a horrible place as he is, but it hasn't been working his conversation with midoyria reveals why, not because there are heroes but because there is a symbol of peace so now he is going to try and destroy the symbol of peace not just the hero that is all might