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So it is kinda obvious that the update is not happening this month, but I want to bet on February (both to give you a closer date and also to hopefully motivate myself to finally finish it). I've been also getting some help with writing, which is definitely helping speed up the process as the dialogue continues to be the most time consuming part of developing an RPG. Lastly in the image you can see what the alchemy teacher will look like, I am honestly still contemplating how complex I want the alchemy lessons to be, part of me wants to go nuts with collecting ingredients and mixing them up to see what potion you get, but I also know how crazy it would be to implement something like that... I guess we'll see, I'll definitely leave that up for last to not drag out the development further if I do decide to add it.

Anyway that's all for now, thank you all for your support and patience.



Ethan Davis

very nice design i would like the crazy alchemy even if it takes you a few days more to make it if the game has even more depth then it already does more people will stay invested in it


Anything new to say for this week?