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First of, yes, I am a day late again, but this time it was on purpose as I had free monday as well and wanted to see how far I can push it. Now I got good news, bad news and potentially exciting news. The bad news is obviously that the update is still not out yet, the good news are as you can see that the school is almost finished, I mostly need to do cleanup and polish, like adding the quests for the missions and some belly edits because I left that for last. Also I still haven't decided how exactly I want to implement the alchemy lesson, but it will be short either way. Lastly for the potentially exciting news, I have decided to give a concrete date now, next sunday I want to release at least the school update, the desert is still in pieces, we honestly don't have a proper plan on what all we want to add there compared to the school. But yea, the school is close enough in my opinion to be fully released by the end of this week.
Anyway that should be all for now, thank you all for your support and patience.
