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Officially entering Autumn now and once more, I am very grateful for your support.
No sunsetting to announce for this BtS so let's get to the good stuff heading into spooooooky season:

Patreon "Exclusive" : Halloween Shorts 2
As mentioned next month is going to be a bit different in terms of "exclusive" set. Instead of the 15th, it'll drop on the 26th of October (the Thursday before Halloween) and it will be a 60+ image set featuring Melody, Maria and Lynn. It will simulthaniously be available on the affect3d store (which is why we move it to the 26th, cause A3D only does releases on Thursdays). Those of you, who were around last year know that I like to do this in October, but for November we're back in the groove, so expect a "normal" 20-30 image set on the 15th once we hit November again.

We're not done with Halloween stuff
Apart from maybe Christmas, Halloween is a treasure trove of content for us 3d pron making folk, so I've been hard at work (huehuehue) and done 4 images of every. single. one. of. my. elf. waifus doing the nasty with a well-hung necromancer.

Even MOAR Halloween stuff
I also did the 4th scenario that got the least votes in the Halloween Short poll and will release it towards the end of the month for free for y'all first and then later on on ze twitta and ze Slushe.
Andrea gets some DP-action.

Various R34 stuff
As what feels like every month now I am messing around a bit with rule34 stuff that doesnt neccessarily result in sets, because the quality of the ripped models varies highly. I did SOME Mass Effect stuff for next month's patreon and then eventually twitter when N7 day rolls around, but dont expect more ME stuff, as the models are unfortunately rather garbage.

Bit of a short one, but hey, so much Halloween stuff going on, there was little time for other things.

Cheers, Tai



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