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...can you bring back a little more influence of the look from end of january/feb to me those felt more rendered / realistic for instance this one on feb 3rd Kaoru Tanamachi - Amagami the newer one - i dont know - they have a more stylized, painted, water color and pencil / manga / almost detailed yet flat feel to them. personally, so far i prefer the old style


I could, if that's what everyone really wanted. Problem with the older style is that it was extremely restrictive. Even a simple image like this wouldn't be possible with that style. No sex images or duo images at all would be reasonable to do. It would most likely just exclusively be solo pinup images with no complex poses nor expressive expressions and the hands can't interact with anything and would probably be hidden. Again, if that's what people want, then I'm cool with bringing it back. Just figured it would get old to see the same type of image all the time.