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Hello everyone!

in this December update I'll give you a quick glimpse of what you'll see this month and everything I'm working on.


December Schedule

Yes, there won't be a schedule for December, and there won't be any in the next few months either, because from this month onwards I would like to take more freedom and decide what I'll do animation by animation, rather than giving a path to follow.

However, this doesn't mean that I don't already know what I will produce in December. In this regard, I leave you below a list of the animations that are due to be released and those that will be released in December, which are subject to changes.

December 4th = There should be the release of MA2, I say there should be because the final part has a lot of fixing to do and maybe I will release it on the 5th of the month, but there probably won't be a need.

December 10th = There should be the release of FR8, but in this case I'm almost certain that I will have to postpone it for a few days because the new Feena model is still unstable.

For the rest, after December 10th, I have two alternatives: 1) I finish Miriam's long animation. 2) I make two short animations, maybe three. I will probably choose 2), in any case I will let you know when the time comes.

AH! If someone is wondering why I didn't release anything last week, I was SICK!


New Characters (Nina and Ritta)

Nina is almost finished, or actually, it's definitely finished, but since I want to redo the rig system for all the characters, it will take at least another 1/2 weeks before she will be operative. It is therefore unlikely that we will see an animation with Nina for December. Or maybe not?

Furthermore, with Nina I will bring a lot of new features for all the characters, such as a more expressive facial rig, better graphic quality, better textures, and so on. But some of these upgrades will already be active from December, some already from the next animations, which qualitatively speaking, are decidedly better than the previous animations.

I'm also trying to create some clothes for Nina, bunny clothes of course, which you can see some previews of in the download section. However, none of the options I evaluated fully satisfied me, because I would like the clothes to be usable during animations, and therefore have two separate pieces for the body/legs.

Anyway, she will have usable clothes.

Speaking of Ritta, I will probably start drawing her at the end of December, and as it requires a different rig system from Nina's, I will have to redo the rig system from scratch in this case too. I don't know how long it will takes, but I honestly believe that the work I will do on Ritta will not be like Nina's, and it will take less time.

Nina (Full Gallery) 


Future Future (Miriam and Aatxe)

I was thinking of writing a story about Miriam and the Aatxe, a short story, and honestly I have two very different ideas in mind. The first would be something more fantasy, therefore a story that tells you about both characters, their history, their adventures, and so on. The second one, however, would be something more sexual, which has nothing to do with their story.

Maybe in the next few days I'll do a vote poll to get an idea of what might interest you, but in any case it will be a project that I should publish for December.


Other Things

Speaking of the things I'm reworking, first I want to redo the prolapse system, after that I want to work on a solution to make my characters more flexible, and thus improve the overall deformation of the characters. In reality, I'm already working on these things with Nina, but some will require more time, such as the rework of the stable.

Among these new things there will be a roadmap for 2024, in which I'll give a brief overview of the projects I'll be working on in 2024, as I plan several new things.

In any case, I'm extremely happy with the new animations, and I hope you'll like them too.


Nina (Full Gallery) 



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