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  • 2) Clareshha and Selenya Gleen (Supporter Version).mp4



Welcome back! This is the half quality version of ChS2, as soon as I get the new computer I will redo it in full quality because it's really unsatisfactory. Speaking of the computer, it should be arriving soon.

There are two versions of ChS2, the second one is denoised with DaVinci Resolve, and although at the moment it seems like the worst version to me, in the full version it should be by far the best.

[Extra1] This animation was suggested by Kevin Schmidt.

[Leaks] I finished reworking Feena, and starting from tomorrow I will work on the next animation which will be NR4. Since the render time is drastically longer after the last changes I made to my characters, it is possible that I will purchase an extra render farm slot.


Download (Public Version)

Download (2k Supporter Version)

Download (2k DaVinci Resolve Version)



Jon Millard

love this and all the way through is fantastic, hope there will be more in the future


The next animation :o


Would have been interesting to see her suck herself during the ATWT and when she came, cumflate herself.