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This is an update that I do monthly on what I will do in the short and long term.


Schedule (May-June-July)

RR1 (1 minute) - April (probably tomorrow - graphic test)
RP Episode 3 (7 minutes) - May
RP Episode 4 (7 minutes) - May
??? (Pro**pse) (3 minutes) - May
??? (Worms) (3 minutes) - July
Angel vs Demon (18 minutes) - June

The exact dates are uncertain, but it is very likely that I will be late for almost all projects. Especially because for Angel vs Demon I would like to redo the entire model and rig compartment from scratch, which I'm already working on.

After July I'll probably start another series with Selenya Gleen, but that's still up in the air.

For any changes to the schedule, you will find constant updates on Discord.


Patch Notes

You will find the patch notes relating to the characters/improvements on Discord as soon as they are ready. For the moment I can say that in July I will be working on the rig system 5.0, which should fix problems with the current rig, and introduce new features.

Among the new features, there will be a new facial rig completely made by me, in order to have more flexibility with the oral animations, which were particularly difficult with the rig system 4.0.


Graphic Updates

I'm taking photography and filmmaking courses, which I hope will significantly improve the quality of my animations. Improvements that are already partially visible in the animations I'm currently working on.


Angel vs Demon (Long Animation)

I have already collected the references necessary for the creation of the two characters, for the moment I can tell you that the angel will be called Joselline and that she will be blonde. The demon, on the other hand, will have reddish skin, and will have tattoos all over her body. The animation will be set in some sort of temple or church.

For this animation, I would really like to integrate the dubbing, but since it costs a lot, it's not really up to me for now. If I don't have the necessary finances, I will try to use AI for voices, although since the last time I tried the result has not been particularly satisfactory.

Furthemore, for this animation I will take more time than usual, because I would like to integrate more details, such as hand/leg movements, expressions, and transition scenes.

The name of the animation is uncertain, but it is likely that it will be along the lines of 'Light in Cage' or 'Chained Light'. Speaking of which, I was thinking of an animation with the use of chains, but how I will use them is yet to be decided.


Thanks everyone for following!
