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Interesting week this has been. Currently house sitting for my mom while she's away taking a vacation in Italy. Day after I arrive here I get a sudden surprise visit from my grandparents. That was a nice visit. One of my mom's mini horses here, we thought, was expecting a baby. After a few days, nothing. My grandparents left and I immediately got back to working on comic inks. Next day my grandpa comes back. =   v = Let me work, please. No place to really work in private in this house here. All open rooms and what not. Turns out the mini horse is just fat according to a vet we took her to as well; or, at least, not expecting any time soon. 

6 more pages to ink then I can finally start to color this thing! :D I would like to try and do some test colors pretty soon too to start shopping around for a guest artist. :3c



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