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Princess crown,,, does things


I love Princess Koopa. We need more of her~


Sorry for the long time between posts. I do got art on the way... I just got really sick and had to deal with a handful of stressful things which just demolished my ability to draw for a bit




Hope you feel better! Always great seeing your work!


No worries! Your art is fantastic but take all the time you need to stay healthy :)


Not fun getting sick. So dont worry and just focus on getting well and healthy. Makes things easier in the end. Would still support even if you got sick. Just love the art you create.


No need to tell me how getting sick sucks. I got pneumonia a few months ago and was nearly hospitalized. Coughed up crap for the next three weeks. Take care of yourself dude! Just make sure to give us a drip feed of butts.


She looks great Tsam. You should know by now that your health is more important than constant posting of art. Hope you're doing well.

Dylan Hammond

never thought i would need to see this version of princess koopa in white lingerie until today.


Don't sweat the long absences. I've got no problem with you saving up art throughout the month and posting it all at once, if that's what works best for you. Plus your work is always worth the wait.