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I don't know what to say. I do know that you're here to support me and not necessarily because I am a porn dispenser (though I definitely am that) but your encouragement really helped a lot in giving me the ability to sleep again ~_~

Although I didn't answer any messages - it's too embarassing to be in a weaked state - I did read all of it and what can I say... it was a relief to know you all had my back. From the bottom of my heart thank you.

I'll try to treat myself better and pace myself more appropriately going forward. Stress/ burnouts should not be happening given the nature of what it is I actually do here. I do it to myself... none of you put this on me and it's unfair for everyone how things played out~



I just hope you feel better. <3 i've been following you and your art for years, and I worry. You're not just a porn dispenser though. You're a person. <3

French Honey Badger

There's nothing wrong being a porn dispenser! You make great art and it would be a shame to lose you to burnouts, make sure you get some rest.


It's heartwarming to know that we're helping.


I hope you will feel better soon. Take your time and threat yourself pretty good :)


Yay for getting proper restful sleep! Continue to take care of yourself. :) Hope each day is just a lil better than the one before.

Serow Arriss

Maybe we should be sending you Daki prints instead, that way your supporters can help support your sleep too~


Just keep taking care of yourself

Diego P

take your time to recover, mental health is more important


All is forgiven for dragster driving bunnies.... just saying... no pressure... more begging really.


We gotchu fam. No one can be expected to operate at 100% all the time.


We are behind you 100% <3