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And thus concludes one of the best pilot episode(s) I've ever seen!


Lost Season 1 Episode 2 Uncut Reaction | shadowcat reacts


David Olden

So glad you’re enjoying this . I missed the initial broadcast of the first two seasons, but a friend loaned me the DVDs. I had no idea what the heck it was about. I binged those two seasons worth of DVDs and I was hooked. Then that fall (of 2006), season 3 debuted. I had to wait a WHOLE week between episodes! By miracle, no one spoiled me, so worry not, I won’t spoil you. It’s fun to watch a Lost fan in the making 😊✈️ 🏝️ 6.5 days to go …


Glad you're asking questions out loud! I'm excited for you to get some answers and some more questions. The pilot is unquestionably amazing. I was originally an ending-hater when this aired, but upon rewatch I'm fully on board with the ending. The show has its stinkers, but overall fantastic, imo.


Yeah, they really hit it out of the park with the pilot!! I was instantly invested, and I don't think that's easy to do with the first couple episodes. I know it's going to be a while but I'm SO CURIOUS about what is is about the ending that had such a divided response haha. Thanking my lucky stars that no one has spoiled it for me over the years though!


Hahahaha I hate it when I get into a series late and am able to binge the entire catalogue, only to have to wait week over week once the new season starts to air 😭 it's torture! That was me with GoT