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sowry got possessed by the need to make fun of dan heng a little (and fu xuan)




Wow, had a look at the official art, and new dan heng sure does look submissive and breedable... Nice


im back to look at this again bc at some point in a quest bailu asks dan heng where his tail is and he blushes like such a slut i immediately thought of this. god bless your vision for these characters


its a given that your girls are always perfect (looking and stelle and fx so hard rn) BUT HOLY MOLY… dh is soooo cute (especially his eyebrows, IM IN LOVE) and and???? your bladie???? he’s so old man here im on my knees rn. AND LASTLY, JY??? hes saur big and soft AND fluffy in your style im obsessed. its always a good day to know that maiqo stans chars i stan 😔💕