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Hi, guys. How is everyone doing?

The poll is over... Hermione was a clear winner. No surprise there... Even though I personally was rooting for Ashelin ^^

What *did* surprise me though, was the vote count: 2916 votes is a big number 0_0 

All and all I am really happy with how this played out. You guys gave a lot of great suggestions (!!!), a lot of people participated in the voting. Good stuff. 

And now of course it is up to me to get to working on that slutty punk girl outfit and make it as awesome as I possibly can. But this will have to wait until I am done with "The Mating Season" of course. (Coming Soon*)

Also despite some of you saying lately that they have more interest in Ashelin then in Hermione (since Hermione already has her own game), Hermione doesn't have that many options when it comes to outfit choices in SC34.

That being said if I will be holding a similar poll in the future I promise to exclude Hermione from it for fairness sake.

Oh, and let me repeat this: in Episode 03 there will be new costumes for other girls as well and also a new girl will be joining. Actually I do have some things I want to discuss with you in regards of the episode 03 but that will have to wait also. (Don't worry the things I want to discuss are good things :)

Also this week I was incredibly busy, and don't feel like writing this post at all (feel like taking a nap actually), but at the same time I feel very proud for managing to continue this stable flow of weekly posts. Yay me, and yay you, guys :)

I think I will leave this at that for now. I promise to talk some more about the results of this poll and probably will also share some sort of sneak-peek of the costume sketches eventually (before the Ep.03 release).

That's it. Thank you for your support guys. I'll see you in a week.




Hey man you can't leave my little witch out of ALL the polls though. It's not her fault she's so much more awesome than the others! :p


Awe, was rooting for Ashelin too, well, maybe next time ^^ It's great to have regulare news from you, I really appreciate thoses posts :) Keep up the good work my friend :)


Hermione was not my favorite but okay...good work with the posts. :)


Thanks for the post! (: every week I get more and more excited for SC34 E.3 even though I have to wait for The Mating Season first :P (which is okay with me cause that'll be awesome too!) Your work is always something awesome worth waiting for, thanks again! Oh and where did you get the picture you put in this post? :O


Awesome, its cool, all girls are sexy but i get you, knife eared busty girls are pretty attractive, so great job. Now go to nap, you deserve it.


Lara Croft!!!!!!!!!! in SC34 Ep.3


Natalia Poklonskaya in SC34 Ep.4


We are ready to welcome Lara Cro.... wait! Is this a secret?


"Coming Soon" is a trademark release date standin for Akabur Inc, and is not to be taken as a factual statement in any way, shape, or form ;) Sorry, I couldnt resist a little legalese joke

Durzo Shadowborn

Waitaminute..... Am I the only one who noticed the little * next to the "Coming soon" line? What are you referring to Akabur???? Do you actually have timetable??? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS??!! :P


*unrelated to post* I just noticed the soundtrack in Kerbal Space Program (when in the rocket garage) is the same as in Witch Trainer (or maybe it was princess trainer?). Anyways, now I can't stop making dirty remarks whenever a space craft penetrates the atmosphere..


lol. Aka have his own view on "soon". By that way, "soon" is coming after several months )))


"...and probably will also share some sort of sneak-peek of the costume sketches eventually" No probably man... come on. Glad to know you still alive and fine :D

percy Jackson

Usually when you have an Astrick at the end of a word or scentance. There is mare information on that word or sentence. May I ask you to explain your use of the astrick?


Just playing witch Trainor, what's with the Lara Croft stuff? Did I miss a game?


Hi Aka! Just a small suggestion concerning SC34. It's a bit sad that L.O.L.A. has no physical manifestation, if you know what I mean.^^ Maybe she can be materialised using particle clouds or nanotechnology from DSO or magic or something :D. It would be great if she actually comes back at some point. Anyways, just an idea... Thanks for the regular updates and keep up the great work!


She is in the Magic Shop game. Another one including Jasmine and the Genie. It is a fun one, you should check it out.


I'm not surprised Hermione won at all, you gave quite the enticing choice when it came to the outfit.


my vote will always be for more Hermione. Hermione is why i'm here.

Rodita Sephflare

I'M THE WINNER! After all i have AKBUR on my patreon list of my following...And this is the best >.> Even he is not followin me haha!


I guess that the new girl will be Snape


Really don't want to be that person but I've seen it a couple of times in your posts and just wanted to say that its "All in all". Its stupid I know but it caught my attention twice and just wanted to point it out to help correct that in the future not to be an asshole. Keep up the good work though, no need to correct your art since you're obviously great at that and making games. Cheers.


Aw... Thank to you and other like you, eventually my sexy and charming Russian-English grammar mistakes will cease to exist. Shame on you ^_^ (Thanks, man I appreciate this).


So when's the Ashelin game everybody's waiting for coming out?

Leif Ulland

Aye I hope you will keep up the good work your doing Akabur I really love your game especially Princess Trainer.

Leif Ulland

I really love SC34 not as much as Princes Trainer but it's still a great game hope you never lose you passion for this


Hey Akabur, I have long been tormented by the question, is it possible in the second part of the princess coach in the distant future, adding characters from the animated series? On the similarity of the Abysmal, Mozenrad or the cutie Mirage? Thanks for just in case for an answer, and I understand that as long as your head is completely clogged with other troubles, but it became interesting, because Aladdin reviewed 20 times already all the series, shock cartoon.


Well done gents well done. My money was on ashlyn but the people have spoken!!


Love you Akabur! Stay diligent! ;)


dicks out for ashelin


I'm hyping up for seeing more ashelin stuff in episode 3


yay ashelin! but to be fair, hermoine is pretty god damn hot and for my part there cant ever be enough hermoine :D

Nikolaj K.

The new girl will be a female version of Akabur himself xD




I wonder what JK Rowling would say if she knew what you are doing to her sweet, innocent little witch lol.


Not ALL POLLS of course. Only the next one. (Assuming there will be next one :)


Thanks, man^^ The picture I got from google after a thorough searching for "Hermione Slut".


Thank you Ace as always. And I think I still have a letter from you in my inbox and it is still without an answer. Sorry for taking so long to get back to you, man. Soon ^_^


The "mare" information is as follows: "In this context soon means ready when it's ready." ^_^


I actually like her not having a physical from since it presets a whole set of problems specific only for her story-wise. But I will consider you suggestion, I promise.


I don't give to fucks about me! I knew it! Hermione stole you from me!


GODDAMIT MAN! It was supposed to be a surprised... Now you ruined it! I hope you are happy with yourself. Now I will have to go with somebody else...


I like your question. I think I shall reward it with a ton of TMNT texts. You will be receiving your prise via email soon.


Of course I will. What else could you do? Start a family and live a happy life? What nonsense!


Don't worry, I will probably start working on something even more big then Princess Trainer eventually... For now though you'll have to settle to SC34.


Well it *is* possible... As much as pretty much anything is possible... I may even release "SC34 Ep.03" tomorrow! No, that's probably the one thing that is actually not possible whichever way you look at it... Anyway, I her you man, but it's a bit to early to talk about this.


Now THAT would be an unexpected turn of events. I already imagine dancing and stripping animations... And for web-cam events I will be drawing and hosting a stream.


She would say: "Why governor, what a bloody great game you have created. Let me know if you need help writing new game events, I have some blood marvelous ideas!"


Ha, as an Englishman I'm both insulted and amused by this... Bloody Ruskies... :p


Hello guys. In the game witch trainer, there are some ending which you always stays with Hermione?? I'd prefer continue with secondary missions than gave her the dress and finish the game.