339 - I Don't Even Care :) (Patreon)
HELLO there dear bros. This will be a super short proof-of-life, but I don't even care, because last week feels like such a monumental achievement to me ^_^
MY BRAIN is weird and often times I can spend many hours working on something but I still not feel like I did something substantial, so on rare occasions when I do feel like I have accomplished something I absolutely must savor it ^^
THE WORK. Last week I finished everything I planned to and even more. The challenges are finished. Everything is tested and working. Of course there is always a chance that something might glitch out later, but ironing out that stuff is not that difficult, just takes time. The visuals for the challenges are still missing, I plan to discuss this with Dahr this week (still haven't talked about this with him yet).
THE INTRO. Also I completely revamped the intro for the game. Now it is way more upbeat and sets the tone for the game much better. But more importantly I have finished writing the secret ending scene that unlocks with the final challenge. Writing that scene was something I have been dreading for a while now because I knew it would be difficult (and it was). I rewrote it countless times. It's a relatively short scene but it needed to be perfect. It took me 2 days with all the rewrites. Now finally I am done with it.
NOW WHAT? There is still a ton of things to iron out and some of the scenes are still lacking proper music. Also the game's main menu is still a blank page, so I need to fix that. I finished the title illustration a couple of months ago but it still needs to be colored.
THE PLAN. During this week I will be playing the game from the beginning again. This time around I won't be testing the economy anymore so I can cheat and progress a lot faster. I will be mostly focusing on the scenes and events triggering properly and the music stuff.
YOU ARE NOT allowed to get too excited yet because there is still some work that needs to be done before QT is ready for the release. I, on the other hand, will get a little bit excited if you don't mind. I am almost there. Now I can finally feel it. ^_^
ANYWAY, I know this is a super lame post but for once I don't care because I feel like I am really close to the end of this 3-year long journey. Thank you for your support, bros. Love you all! :)
A few links just in case: